By Ryan Burton

BJ Flores (24-0) informed that he was extremely disappointed to learn that Marco Huck (20-1) will be defending his WBO cruiserweight title versus Adam Richards (23-2). The fight takes place in Berlin, Germany on March 13th.  Flores had this to say, "Why is Huck fighting Richards when I was beating down his door for the fight?

 We were practically begging Sauerland Events for the fight."

Richards was a smaller sized heavyweight who moved down to cruisierweight for his last two fights.  Huck is coming off victories against tough opponents in Ola Afolabi and Victor Emilio Ramirez.

Flores hasn't fought since scoring a TKO victory over Epifanio Mendoza last August. Flores said that he only wants the big fights now and wants to fight either Huck or the Godfrey vs Cunningham winner. "I am ranked in the top 5 in three different sanctioning bodies. I want only big fights now. No more tune ups."

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