By Ryan Burton

Heavyweight contender Chris Arreola is just over a week away from his crossroads fight against Seth Mitchell.  The outspoken fighter appeared on the latest edition of BoxingScene Radio to talk about the upcoming fight. In Arreola's mind, there really isn't anyway he can lose the fight.

"There is no reason I should lose to this guy. The only way I can lose to this guy is if he lands a lucky punch but that isn't going to happen," Arreola confidently stated.

Arreola is so confident that he will win the fight that he said that he doesn't see Mitchell surviving past the halfway mark of the fight, let alone all 12 rounds.

Arreola trained for this fight in the hot Arizona sun and said that he will be bringing the heat on September 7th.  

"It won't go past 6.  I am going to bring the heat up his ass.  I went to train in the heat to bring the heat and he is going to feel it," said Arreola.

It is no secret that Arreola isn't a fan of Mitchell and he would like nothing more than to knock him out when they meet in the ring.  He finished our interview with this statement:

"(During the fight) don't blink.  I am going to whoop his ass.  Not only will I whoop his ass but I will be talking sh*t while I do it.  I hate this f***ing guy.  I will admit it.  I am a hater. F*** it.  I hate this guy," Arreola told BoxingScene Radio.

To listen to the interview in its entirety click here:

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