Statement issued by Sauerland Event

Contrary to other reports, Alexander Abraham did not violently attack Edison Miranda or any member of his team following the knockout victory of King Arthur Abraham this weekend. The brother of the IBF middleweight champion was detained in a casino nearby to the arena after the fight due to the disturbance of an event.

Early on Sunday morning (local time), he was set free for an administration fee of 100 U.S Dollars without any further sanctions. The accusations levelled at him – that he had attacked Edison Miranda or a member of his team – have proven to be absolutely unfounded.

“I did not violently attack Miranda or any of his team,” said Alexander Abraham. “It was completely the other way around – our team was attacked by Miranda’s people with chairs.”

The reports which had been spreading around US internet websites that Arthur Abraham has been ordered to pay a fine of 100,000 US Dollars are false. The champion and his team will return to Germany on Monday morning without leaving any unresolved legal wrangles behind.