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How do you feel about Devon Alexander's views on "Chinamen"?

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  • How do you feel about Devon Alexander's views on "Chinamen"?

    Devon Alexander:
    Listen stop going to the chinamen getting food. They don't like you guys. They only want your money. Why would anybody want to go somewhere, where they not liked!! #newbegining

    If one don't like black people best believe all them feel the same way. You think they gonna come spend some money in the black community I think not. They take y'all money and say F y'all. Tell me what do they do for the black community beside giving people heart attacks and obesity , or diabetes . It's sick how we can excuse they behavior because one supposedly is cool. They don't do nothing for the community but there is a Chinese store on every corner . Look at the condition there restaurants are in poor and broke yet they making all the money from y'all but y'all spending the money. and killing y'all self.

    Can you guys imagine if we stop going to chinamen places , all the small little stores around us. They will all go bankrupt . We need this to get respect an power. Imagine it! Just stop going cause they don't like us anyway but they like our money !!!!! #challenge

    they don't give a two cents about us but our money . It makes me sick how they use us!!
    Last edited by ИATAS; 09-01-2014, 05:35 PM.

  • #2
    wow wtf? is this legit? I never knew Devon was one of those black nationalist supremacist.


    • #3
      It's racist, offensive, and I believe a lawsuit should be filed against him. This is unacceptable in the 21st century.


      • #4
        when/where did he say that?


        • #5
          Originally posted by hectari View Post
          wow wtf? is this legit? I never knew Devon was one of those black nationalist supremacist.
          Originally posted by DreamFYS View Post
          when/where did he say that?

          It's on his facebook. This was posted on Saturday.

          He also made some borderline ****phobic remarks about Michael Sam (the gay linebacker who was on the Rams). He liked a picture that someone posted on his page of Michael Sam photoshopped holding a dildo etc.

          Anyways, regarding his "chinamen" remarks. Obviously his views are racist. He, like many others, are very upset over the recent events in St. Louis and his anger is being directed in the wrong way (he's upset about racism which is making him racist). Someone said he's being racist by his remarks and he replied "how am I being racist for speaking my mind?!" lol doesn't seem to bright.


          • #6
            Originally posted by DreamFYS View Post
            when/where did he say that?
            Maybe he said it on Fighthype, wow I guess its true you can't judge a book by its cover.

            I never knew Devon hates Chinese.

            Its one thing to say don't support chinese made goods, but this dude went a step further. Me personally i try my best to buy American if possible but its hard to since most stuff is made overseas.

            This dude even accuses the Chinese which I suppose when he says Chinamen he is referring to Asians in general cause Koreans mostly make up the store owners in the hoods, so that makes him even more ignorant.


            • #7
              Originally posted by ***1048;ATAS View Post
              It's on his facebook. This was posted on Saturday.

              He also made some borderline ****phobic remarks about Michael Sam (the gay linebacker who was on the Rams). He liked a picture that someone posted on his page of Michael Sam photoshopped holding a dildo etc.

              Anyways, regarding his "chinamen" remarks. Obviously his views are racist. He, like many others, are very upset over the recent events in St. Louis and his anger is being directed in the wrong way (he's upset about racism which is making him racist). Someone said he's being racist by his remarks and he replied "how am I being racist for speaking my mind?!" lol doesn't seem to bright.
              Wow, Devon was one of the few guys I actually respected in boxing because I thought he was not a racist dude, he always smiled and came off very fair and stayed away from race card playing. His rant is so ignorant. His use of Chinamen to refer to basically Asians in general.

              And him saying just because one chinaman is nice or cool don't excuse their behavior, dude imagine if Devon was White? all hell would break loose that is strong prejudice he thinks all Asians are bad people and just because one is nice don't give them a pass wow

              Devon has the Flowmo mentality of race driven bias and judgment, I can't believe he said if one don't like black people that means they all think the same way.
              Last edited by hectari; 09-01-2014, 05:35 PM.


              • #8
                Devon Alexander:
                Can you guys imagine if we stop going to chinamen places , all the small little stores around us. They will all go bankrupt . We need this to get respect an power. Imagine it! Just stop going cause they don't like us anyway but they like our money !!!!! #challenge

                they don't give a two cents about us but our money . It makes me sick how they use us!!

                Devon Alexander
                This is a Christian society am I correct? Then why is everyone praising Robin Williams death? He killed himself am I correct? I'm confused !! In the bible it clearly state that's automatically hell . Am I right ?


                • #9
                  I don't agree with him

                  I respect him for coming out and saying it and expressing his views

                  Just saw the above post,, he went too far, views are too extreme


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by ***1048;ATAS View Post
                    Devon Alexander:
                    Can you guys imagine if we stop going to chinamen places , all the small little stores around us. They will all go bankrupt . We need this to get respect an power. Imagine it! Just stop going cause they don't like us anyway but they like our money !!!!! #challenge

                    they don't give a two cents about us but our money . It makes me sick how they use us!!
                    Man I never expected such a sweet, boyish person like Devon could spew such ignorance and discrimination and prejudice.

                    Like I said its always the ones you least expect.

