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O/T-So many out of shape people in US

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  • #11
    Yeah I heard where the fattest nation lol. I'm in shape though. I only really need like 2 1/2 meals a day. Instead of building all these McDonalds and Burger King's they should build some parks, or basketball courts.


    • #12
      USA is the fattest country in the world..and that's a fact. Canada is like that but to a much much much much smaller extent.

      And the super size me show was a load of crap. don't listen to that propaganda.


      • #13
        Really? Because I was eager to see it. You're saying it wasn't true?


        • #14
          Ok, it is true what happened to him. But he did it to an EXTREME. Think about it...if you do something in EXTREME in life you are bound to have bad things happen.

          You workout everyday hardcore there will be some problems. If you eat 3 steaks will have problems.

          What happened to him was really taken out of context.


          • #15
            Yeah, that's true. Never thought of it like that. Good point.


            • #16
              Supersize is true mcdonalds is hella bad but what he did was eat there every day for everymeal.. bottom line hes ******ed. Obviously hes gunna become unhealthy eating there for all his meals for a month.


              • #17
                Back on subject...
                I run everyday at my track, I weigh 205 lbs and I'm usually the lightest person there :/

                Not only are the people fat, they are also EXTREMELY lazy. I see people walk a lap (1/4 mile) and sit down for's really disgusting.


                • #18
                  my city s.a is pretty damn bad. we have been number 1 fattest city alot of times


                  • #19
                    You guys should be thin from all the running trying to catch the Mexicans hopping the border.


                    • #20
                      The UK is getting pretty fat these days, people think I'm in really good shape being 6'1" and 170lbs but in truth the standard here is so low.

                      In general the girls here are all ou of shape, which is a shame since english girls are pretty things when they're slim.

                      I hate Supersize me and all of those Michael Moore films; Absolute **** and its a shame that the world and half of the US laps up these extreme ******* views. I blame the supersize guy personally for not being able to buy a supersize meal when I want one. He's an opportunist pr*ck.

