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New to Boxing & Forum w/ some ?s

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  • New to Boxing & Forum w/ some ?s

    First of all, I'd like to say whats up guys? I'm new to this forum, although I've been a member of the forums which are set up just like this (except for bodybuilding info instead of boxing of course) and I had a few questions.

    I'm in a situation similar to Dan23 is with the transitioning from weightlifting & barely any cardio to boxing training which is A LOT of aerobic and anaerobic activity. I have been reading up on the responses in Dan23's "Transitioning" thread too, and was going to post there, but I didn't want to jack his thread.

    So basically I have been weightlifting for about a year and a half going very heavy usually doing exercises 3 x 6-8 reps and making sure that 6th or 8th rep was to the point of failure (which was probably ****** because I think it really taxed my CNS because I'd be tired, weak, and no *** drive most of the time) with every set. I also didn't do cardio because I was trying to gain weight and was small as it was. That was for about a year of the weightraining, but for the last half or a year or so I'd play basketball which was some cardio or go for a bike ride, and the last like 2 months I've been jumping rope, hitting the heavy bag, playing basketball, and running occasionally. I just joined a gym and my dads friend is an ex profighter and he's going to train me.

    What my goal really is is to drop weight (mostly fat if possible) even though I'm not fat at all, but I'm only 5'5.5" and like 143lbs and with boxing I'd probably be fighting guys a lot taller then me at that weight. I also want to boost my stamina and endurance A LOT, and just altogether become a good boxer and be quick with my hands. I want to know the best way to go about this without going too hard at first because I dont want to pull myself into an overtraining state. I know everyone says to run, but how long of a run should I start with and then move to? what about the intensity? and how many times a week?

    I also would like to lift some weights too while training, and from what I hear is for weightlifting to be beneficial to the boxer, 2 days of weight training is plenty and keep it in the 12 rep range, is this correct? Can I still do bodyweight exercises like pullups, pushups, crunches, etc everyday?

    BTW if it matters, my diet is pretty much clean. I like to call myself a 75% clean eater. and Supplements I use are just ON's 100% whey protein, L-glutamine powder, gnc megamen multivitamin, and I just started using a creatine called Green Bulge.

  • #2
    get your ass to a gym and ask a trainer. if you wanna box you will need to go to a gym, so ask your trainer.


    • #3
      Go join a boxing gym, run or swim 5x a week. Change it between long distance and sprints. I would do 3 days sprints and 2 days long distance running. If you're gonna use weights, go to and try out WS4SB II. I've never tried it but some friends who wrestle said it's really good.


      • #4
        Thanks a lot buddy, i'm going to check out that website and I joined a boxing gym today because the gym i belonged to already leaned way more towards bodybuilding rather then boxing.

        I will vary the running, but I can still have boxing-type workouts like 5 times a week right? (ie shadowboxing, skip rope, heavybag, speedbag, mitwork) and spar maybe 1 or 2 days a week when I'm ready.

        As you can see I'm not fat so I have a feeling it may be hard to lose weight but I figure I'll just start losing weight with all the cardio I'm doing. At 5'6" and 142lbs I'm wondering what weight would be best for me to get down to



        • #5
          Ya, you can definitly train 5-6 times a week once you're in shape, and you seem to be in good shape now. I'd just recommend getting to a gym and getting a trainer soontimes. You're kinda in the same boat as me with the whole "fighting family" thing, but trust me, you want to get a trainer quick. I trained years on my own, and obviously got good at some things, but developed a lot of bad habits that are pretty hard to fix at this point. Also about your weight, just train. Your weight will fall into place on its own. You shouldn't "aim" for a specific weight, especially at the begining.



          • #6
            Originally posted by Trick View Post
            Ya, you can definitly train 5-6 times a week once you're in shape, and you seem to be in good shape now. I'd just recommend getting to a gym and getting a trainer soontimes. You're kinda in the same boat as me with the whole "fighting family" thing, but trust me, you want to get a trainer quick. I trained years on my own, and obviously got good at some things, but developed a lot of bad habits that are pretty hard to fix at this point. Also about your weight, just train. Your weight will fall into place on its own. You shouldn't "aim" for a specific weight, especially at the begining.

            Thanks man. LoL it's funny I just posted a thread about starting boxing recently like last week or something, and this was one I posted before when I was gonna start back last july or somethin.

            I havea nother thread up thats more recent. BTW I just signed up to the boxing club yesterday and I have a trainer, my dads buddy, ex pro fighter. I've been doinga lot of cardio and ab work, my first official "boxing workout" will be tomorow night or tuesday night.

            Since this thread I've gained weight (mostly muscle) but I'm worried it's going to slow me down. Hopefully now that I stopped lifting weights, started doing a lot of cardio, and am going to be hitting the bags/etc my speed will come back.


            • #7
              oh ****, haha, I thought this was the new one. Don't worry man, you don't need to fear weights or anything. It's just a different type of weightlifting for boxing, that's all. Also, you don't weight train as much. I do like 2-3 times a week tops.


