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Did some work today - Video

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  • #21
    Originally posted by McNulty View Post
    One of a kind? Not really. I just had good trainers and did what they said. I knew pro's personally and they worked with me. There were plenty of amateurs better than me. Novice class isn't a big deal dude.

    I'm here anonymously. I'm not going to show you my sparring or workout tapes (they're on VHS anyway). I have a deep respect for the guys that worked with me and don't want them involved in my posting habits here.

    I was never at the top so stop being a punk ass bítch with the patronizing tone.

    If you want an invoice for consultation services I can provide you with a bill and an email I strictly use for PayPal.

    But if you think you're going to turn this into a pissing match it's not going to happen David.

    Whats a Portuguese mug like you doing in the UK bruv?
    lmao, you are so full of ****.


    • #22
      Originally posted by GGG Gloveking View Post
      Lmao! I read your post before seeing the video, and I'm thinking, damn he's being hard on the guy, who's just trying to train. Then I saw the video. It almost looks like a parody.********

      Holy fking ****, u talk this ****, and look like this working a small child sized bag on a fking yard, while your child records? U serious son?

      I never knew this fking forum was full of such dedicated trolls
      Last edited by Unbirth; 11-13-2017, 05:14 PM.


      • #23
        Originally posted by Unbirth View Post********

        Holy fking ****, u talk this ****, and look like this working a small child sized bag on a fking yard, while your child records? U serious son?

        I never knew this fking forum was full of such dedicated trolls
        haha you a detective now :blow::blow::blow::blow:


        • #24
          Originally posted by Unbirth View Post

          Holy fking ****, u talk this ****, and look like this working a small child sized bag on a fking yard, while your child records? U serious son?

          I never knew this fking forum was full of such dedicated trolls
          You won't see me showing off my chin in the air, or posing for the camera holding a straight out there for a second at a time. You won't see me crossing my legs over stepping to the right with my left leg first, looking like a jazzercise instructor. Yeah, my equipment is out in the yard, I don't have thousands of dollars of equipment and mirrors to admire myself in.

          But the biggest difference between my video and yours, is that I'm serious and trying to put in work, you're just dancing around like a damn idiot


          • #25
            Originally posted by Unbirth View Post

            Holy fking ****, u talk this ****, and look like this working a small child sized bag on a fking yard, while your child records? U serious son?

            I never knew this fking forum was full of such dedicated trolls
            I saw your video just now. The guy you’re arguing with is trying to help. You don’t look good at all. Very very green. Nothing wrong with that.


            • #26
              Originally posted by GGG Gloveking View Post
              You won't see me showing off my chin in the air, or posing for the camera holding a straight out there for a second at a time. You won't see me crossing my legs over stepping to the right with my left leg first, looking like a jazzercise instructor. Yeah, my equipment is out in the yard, I don't have thousands of dollars of equipment and mirrors to admire myself in.

              But the biggest difference between my video and yours, is that I'm serious and trying to put in work, you're just dancing around like a damn idiot
              You're completly delusional. In fact by the looks of it you might be mentaly ******ed.


              • #27
                Originally posted by Lomadeaux View Post
                I saw your video just now. The guy you’re arguing with is trying to help. You don’t look good at all. Very very green. Nothing wrong with that.
                He's a ****ing fraud who talks **** in every single ass thread. Everthing he says is straight out of a textbook. He acts like a phaggot who read alot of teoric **** over the years and now acts like a former champion on a boxing forum and talks mad **** in any thread i see him. And as soon he gets called out to actualy provide some proof, he gets all defencive and goes into hiding. What a fking suprise.


                • #28
                  Originally posted by Unbirth View Post
                  You're completly delusional. In fact by the looks of it you might be mentaly ******ed.
                  And your training video is sh it. People are trying to help you. Sorry we're not saying, Oh wow, you're so awesome! Your chin is high, you're posing, your footwork reaks. You're a KO waiting to happen


                  • #29
                    Originally posted by Unbirth View Post
                    He's a ****ing fraud who talks **** in every single ass thread. Everthing he says is straight out of a textbook. He acts like a phaggot who read alot of teoric **** over the years and now acts like a former champion on a boxing forum and talks mad **** in any thread i see him. And as soon he gets called out to actualy provide some proof, he gets all defencive and goes into hiding. What a fking suprise.
                    Stop posting videos of yourself if you can’t take the responses. Can’t get upset at people like that man.


                    • #30
                      Rope work;
                      Your left hand is probably 4 inches lower than your right hand. Get them level and pinch your elbows in slightly.
                      If that music is used in the work out it's not helping you. The tempo is a straight 4 with the accent on a 2/4 beat. You would be better served to use up tempo latin grooves such as Mongo Santamaria or even James Brown grooves that feature the accents on the ONE! This type of music automatically brings your tempo up without rushing you.
                      Tempos and balance are hand and hand in boxing.
                      Shadow Box;

                      Loosen up, your hands are above your eyes, why? Your impeding your vision and your punch release from that height is a negative. Get your hands just below your vision your cheeks are a good place to start and not so close to your face. Are you going for the peekaboo?
                      Your right foot goes flat far to often, you need to be on the ball in the back the vast majority of the time. Try setting your front foot at about 12:30 on the" floor clock" and the rear foot about 2:00 to 3:00. With that setting you will have plenty of shoulder/back.hip and weight involved for your right hand. Make sure your pronating (turning over) your punches.

                      The distance of your punches during shadowing is a preference, some trainers prefer a short extension others longer however you should never full extend when your working speed.
                      You need to bend your waist and your knees much more than you do. If you can find a video on the "boxers step"it would help you understand distances you need to employ between your feet. Traditionally your feet should space apart slightly more than shoulder width.

                      Bag Work;

                      Two workouts when using a heavy bag. First a power routine throwing individual power shots at first checking your fist placement (pronated). Then you mix in your power combos (body (front/sides/arms) head (chin/jaw/temple and neck!

                      As to sparring you need a trainer who understands the right way to start you out. The sessions need to be controlled so no one is being taken advantage of.

                      Good luck and remember that focus and determination is a must but you need to stay relaxed at the same time. Ad that philosophy into your shadow work.

                      Last edited by Ray Corso; 11-14-2017, 10:24 AM.

