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Sprint routines

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  • Sprint routines

    Okay let's hear them. Sprint/running routines to get a fighter ready for 3x3 min rounds.

    I'll get us started. 5x800m 50 sec rest between each sprint

    5km run at a hard pace, pushing for fastest time possible

  • #2
    Originally posted by MalcolmSEX View Post
    Okay let's hear them. Sprint/running routines to get a fighter ready for 3x3 min rounds.

    I'll get us started. 5x800m 50 sec rest between each sprint

    5km run at a hard pace, pushing for fastest time possible
    The best way I say to get ready is to sprint a full 3 mins. I hate running distance on a treadmill but it is the best way to monitor and control your sprint. Usually I have my boys sprint 3 mins at a 6min per mile pace, which I believe is at 10.2 let them rest a minute, than work mits for 3 mins, rinse and repeat 3x3. Other than that, I like to have them run line to line on the basketball court aka suicides til they drop lol! Adding ankle weights may help build some speed or resistance running like NFL running backs do but when it comes to running just throw your shoes and hit the ground running.


    • #3
      All sprints are good but to be picky your sprints could be a big long there Malcom***, that's just me. I prefer short, interval, explosive sprints.
      For example.. 30-40m sprints and when u get there, run backwards half pace to starting line then take off at 100% again. For me this simulates boxing. The backwards running is your resting punches and the forward sprints is your attack.


      • #4
        You want some strong legs and peak endurance?

        Find yourself a small hill. Sprint up the hill. Throw some shots, take a side, disengage and then just slowly walk down the hill while controlling your breathing. Get to the bottom and then sprint back up. Do this for 3 minutes and then take a 1 minute break. Do that 4 or 5 times.

        The most important thing about this exercise is to control your breathing while you're running as well as when you are on your 1 minute breaks..............
        Last edited by Rockin'; 04-20-2016, 06:28 AM.


        • #5
          I used to utilize the beach when in New Haven. (shoreline city)
          Jog the deep sand, sprint the waters edge.
          Inner city road work with sprints would be 8 to 10 telephone poles then 1 telephone spacing for the sprint. As the conditioning increase we would use 2 telephone poles spacing.
          As Rockin' noted once some good breathing was established we would get to an incline, and again be very careful with the decline!! Walking the decline is wise and gather yourself to bust the incline. If it's a really steep grade get down to all fours and make that work!



          • #6
            Great ideas so far.

            I'm going to try to incorporate some of them into my runs.


            • #7
              I actually don't have a set sprint routine but I go to the high school track or park and do:

              Steady jog for 10 minutes
              Quick 20 yard burst runs to get warmed up
              5 50 yard sprints and jog back, no break
              5 100 yard sprint, slow jog back
              4 full sprints around the track
              5 hill sprints or run up the bleachers 10x
              Speed ladder drills
              Agility cone drills
              Jump rope or jog to cool down

              Something like that, I hate doing it cause I literally can barely walk for a few days but it gets the job done.


              • #8
                It sucks but the best sprint routine is sprinting a full 3 minutes. Start off doing 30 seconds on, a minute off. Then 45 seconds on, a minute on, etc until you build up to 3 minute sprints.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Boxfan83 View Post
                  The best way I say to get ready is to sprint a full 3 mins. I hate running distance on a treadmill but it is the best way to monitor and control your sprint. Usually I have my boys sprint 3 mins at a 6min per mile pace, which I believe is at 10.2 let them rest a minute, than work mits for 3 mins, rinse and repeat 3x3. Other than that, I like to have them run line to line on the basketball court aka suicides til they drop lol! Adding ankle weights may help build some speed or resistance running like NFL running backs do but when it comes to running just throw your shoes and hit the ground running.
                  This guy knows what he is talking about. Those 3 min sprints aint no joke


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by MrMayhem View Post
                    This guy knows what he is talking about. Those 3 min sprints aint no joke
                    Thank you sir! Its the only way you can get that heart rate up as if you are in a actual fight. You can tell fighters from a mile a way that either only focus on distance or sprints. You have to have a good balance of both but in the amateurs you can get away with being a better sprinter than distance runner, pros you definitely need to be well rounded.

