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Get in shape Contest!!

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  • #81
    It looks like hes flexing in the 2nd pic and not in the first


    • #82

      Please note: not flexing, not sucking in my gut, and not post-workout.

      I wish I had before and after pics from December - Feb '06 -- I lost 14 lbs in a month doing "boxing fitness." I've been getting a lot stronger this summer doing compound lifts; I've lost 4 inches from my waist since February and some of my briefs don't fit anymore b/c my upper thighs are getting pretty built. My chest is 44" and my waist is 32" -- I just need to lose the last bit of handles and chisel down the abs, but the frame is there, IMO.

      I'm definitely more fit, and my "shape" is returning to a wedge, which I'm really digging. I'm going to try to make 165 lbs. walking-around-weight by October 7th, really putting the heat on this month.


      • #83
        I have been boxing for over 2 years an i havnt had a fight due to medical probeblems with my ear the ABA have cleared me and i just need 2 get fit am like 10 stone at my lightest but am like 6 foot on the button the craziest thing is i have Power to burn an i hit harder than the 13 stone lads in the gim an my jab is like a sledge hammer thats all good but i want 2 get back to 11 and a half stone but i just can't do it has any one got any useful tips.


        • #84
          yea man, its not impossible, i used to weight lift alot, and acutally was alot more musclular in the first picture. I cut and ran so much, i got less muscle mass than i did before now, but it may just seem like i have more cuz im more cut.


          • #85
            my story isn't unlike that of Jared's subway success story.

            i really wish I had a before pic of myself. ill post a current pic of myself soon. 4 months ago when i walked into my boxing gym, i weighed 320 pounds. now I'm at 245, I could make 240 if I killed myself in the sauna, maybe even lower than that.

            Been workin real hard on my abdominals, goin back for more when we do medicine ball resistance training, doin more situps and leg raises, etc.

            my abs are starting to poke's really a good feeling. It's unbelieveable how much quicker my hands are without all that added weight. when im fresh and have lots of energy and feel good, my hands feel so goddamn quick these days. I know i've lost a little power though, but ive been able to maintain much of my old strength just from doing burpees, clap pushups, and pushups, explosively.


            • #86
              This post was a great idea to inspire ppl to wanna work out n what not (well ppl like me thats lazy about it) Im in pretty good shape, I would guess thats naturally because my diet SUCKS, I eat Nothing for breakfast, Nothing for lunch, and then before boxing practice ill grab a fish sandwhich from mcdonalds, and then train, come home... and usually that be it for the whole day, or i might come out the around 2am and go to mcdonalds again for a strawberry sundae and a burger off the dollar menue.... lol I am 5'10 156

              I dont gain, or lose weight... i stay at the size

              I will think up a diet or w.e for this contest and start tomorrow since tomorrow is monday, so ill be posting tomorrow a pic and a plan for the week


              • #87
                you should stop that diet immediately. im not a nutritionist, but wake up and eat something wheat or fruit etc. you'd have hella more energy at boxing if you ate breakfast & some pasta 2 hrs and 15 min before boxing practice starts...i top mine with italian dressing


                • #88
                  Originally posted by fraidycat View Post

                  Please note: not flexing, not sucking in my gut, and not post-workout.

                  I wish I had before and after pics from December - Feb '06 -- I lost 14 lbs in a month doing "boxing fitness." I've been getting a lot stronger this summer doing compound lifts; I've lost 4 inches from my waist since February and some of my briefs don't fit anymore b/c my upper thighs are getting pretty built. My chest is 44" and my waist is 32" -- I just need to lose the last bit of handles and chisel down the abs, but the frame is there, IMO.

                  I'm definitely more fit, and my "shape" is returning to a wedge, which I'm really digging. I'm going to try to make 165 lbs. walking-around-weight by October 7th, really putting the heat on this month.

                  how tall are you?


                  • #89
                    Originally posted by leff View Post
                    how tall are you?
                    According to my pre-fight physical, I'm 5'9 3/4."


                    • #90
                      Here's a comparison from my first week of "boxing fitness" in January -- 195 lbs, probably (I was 198 at Christmas) -- and then last month, at what's probably going to be my walking-around weight of 173-175. I'm already back up to 170; I was 163 last weekend after a week of chicken soup, Gatorade, and toast trying to stay at Middleweight.

                      EDIT: MAN, have I been going nuts looking for this "first week" pic. I knew I took one; I just couldn't remember where I stored it.
                      Last edited by fraidycat; 10-11-2006, 11:58 PM.

