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What's your best punch?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by spinksjinx
    Triple right hook to the body followed up by either an uppercut or a straight.
    Thats the craziest combo i eva heard. Great if u can get away w/ it but most good boxers wouldnt allow it.


    • #32
      You may be able to pull off a triple right hook to the body on beginners but experienced fighters will have you eating counter right hands hard.

      Think of James Toney, hed roll your right hand and while your in the same position throwing the next two he is loaded and firing that right hand right back at ya.

      I would not recommend triple body shots on the same side. It leaves you to open for counters. I recommend the under and over. Dig the body once, turn the next shot over. You can pull this on any one with training and experience. But the triple hook to the body will only work for a short time in your career man.



      • #33
        Originally posted by Afro Ninja
        my best punch is my right hand anything really,
        but all in all my best attack is leg kicks in thai boxing, damn leg kicks can take anyone out!
        U aint lyin about leg kicks. How long u been thai boxing for? fights?
        Favourite punch is probs my right hook (im a sthpaw).


        • #34
          best punch not best combo you idiots. how ****** can you be


          • #35
            straight right hand is my favorite and hardest punch. ive made guys wince just throwing it as an arm punch, but when i plant my feet its got a lot of steam on it.

            sadly, my lead hook needs improvement.


            • #36
              my jab i have made it good and strong and really shakes people up in sparing


              • #37
                I like to use right hooks, I like to throw them when someone tries to come in close on me so i throw right hooks followed by some lefts and it tends to rock their heads back and i've busted up a few noses and jaws with it, and also a right straight works well for me too. Also if any of u have ever seen Genki Sudo with his Spinning backfists I like using those when I've done full contact no holds barred MMA type fighting but only against inexperienced guys haha, guys who have seen it all tend to see punches like that one coming especially since im not the best at throwing them yet.
                Last edited by legacyofbrutality; 04-10-2006, 01:45 PM.


                • #38
                  I'm right handed but I've been doing a lot of work on my left punches. My favorite punch would have to be the left uppercut.
                  It's hard to explain how I generate power on it, but it's mostly a digging motion that I use to launch it.

                  I like setting it up with a left hook, right hook combo.



                  • #39
                    My right cross


                    • #40
                      right hand to the body

