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Brutal Sparring session

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  • #21
    Originally posted by bbramblett View Post
    Want to add, ive gone a total of 10 days for 1.5 hours, one on one time with traoner on technique has been maybe 15 minutes total, first day was probably 10 minutes of that

    My advice. Dont quit.

    Follow this ..

    1. Show up and shadow box basics.
    (Footwork,forward backward sideways side steps ,punches
    1 1,2 1,2,3 1,2,3,2 1,1,2 . Work those on a bag.

    Jump rope
    Do exercises-jumping jacks,pushups ,situps ,mountain climbers and squat 180 jumps. Id say 25 eaxh for you for now.

    Work those punches and footwork on a bag. 4 rounds

    THEN, ask your coach to do mitts every day . Say hey will you do some mitts with me. See what he says.

    Ask later ,hey can you show me some headmovement drills.

    Then ask later hey can you show me defensive tactics. See what he says.
    But always everyday ask him to do mutts with you. Have your gloves on and be ready. Do that for 1 month everyday. If he says for you to spar ,say no , your not ready,

    And you wanna train more and spar someone your size on your level in a month.

    He should of had you try body shots after 3 weeks to a month. Then he should have had you jab spar twice after that. Then he should have had you spar someone on your level after 2 full months in the gym.
    Take charge and ask him to do mitts bro.

    What city are you in ??
    Last edited by Jc8804; 09-01-2015, 06:46 AM.


    • #22
      I'm in Omaha


      • #23
        Originally posted by Mr.DagoWop View Post
        That's boxing for you. It's not like any other sport, it's fighting. That's what happens in a street fight if not worse. Everybody gets their ass kicked at first but if your trainer constantly does that and doesn't show you what you did wrong then that is a problem. Did he tell you your mistakes?
        No, he did not, just asked if his punches hurt.


        • #24
          Originally posted by bbos View Post
          Are you paying to train at the gym or is your trainer training you for free?

          If you're paying money to be trained, then there is no way he should have put you through that "test", since he isn't wasting his time when he is getting paid to train you.

          If he is teaching you for free, I can see why he want to put you through hell early in order to gauge if he is wasting his time or not.

          Just my humble opinion

          To give you perspective from my experience. I started boxing in my high school club. My coach volunteered his time to teach us boxing, so he wasn't paid. Even so, we didn't start sparring until we were taught the fundamentals. ie. jab, basic foot work, and basic defenses. He also eased us into sparring by having us do drill sparring at first.
          I paid for training and even said prior to starting I wanted to learn footwork and defensive tactics


          • #25
            Originally posted by bbramblett View Post
            Hello everyone, this is my third week of boxing ever and last night I sparred my coach and was beaten up pretty bad. I did not request to spar nor did I ever claim to be a badass or act tough. I'm 5'3'' 155 and wanted to learn proper conditioning and ultimately technique so I can defend myself. I am often subjected to humiliation when I go to public places like bars or casinos, expecially when I am with a woman so I just wanted to atleast be in shape so I could save face in those situations and not get my whig split in front of my date. I sparred with my trainer on monday and after talking with other fighters and observing them I concluded you shouldn't throw bombs on a fellow member of your gym, although I have seen guys from other gyms throw bombs on our guys and vice versa but these guys have several months or years of experience. Well yesterday I sparred my coach who is ar9und 6 ft and probably 190 I'd assume , he has trained for years and boxed himself and has trained very successful amateurs. It was brutally one sided and I couldnt even get in range without getting tagged rather hard. At the conclusion of two rds, my eye was black, lip was split, and nose was bleeding. I am no ***** and can take a beating I just felt humiliated at my lack of skill and for looking so bad in front of the other guys in the gym. After sparring he said its not about showing how tough you are and if i continue that I will be ******ed. He then asked if his punches hurt and said he was wearing 20 oz gloves. I've never seen him throw hands like that with anyone else and just wanted some feedback if that is typical in boxing gyms or rather tactless and improper as I suspect. He also reminded me of how short I was and how that is going to give me trouble. I'm aware of that and can just as easily get my ass whooped at a bar for free I just don't want to fight everyone time someone runs their mouth and wanted to legitimately build confidence through the sport of boxing. Thanks for your time and feedback.
            Fair enough if they chucked you in there with a guy more experienced for a couple of mins to show you how serious it is. Anyone that's sparred in a gym has been there.
            But for ur trainer to do this and keep it going until you were in there state you were in. He's a bully and insecure. Not a good basis for a trainer. I mean, how can you take instructions from him after this? A good trainer should be supportive and realistic. It's a tough enough sport as it is.


            • #26
              Listen to my advice for 1 month .
              Get your money's worth. He likely is trying to getbyou to quit for easy money. Now hound him for personal time. Mitts . Headmovement drills. Defensive tactics

              Hound him


              • #27
                Originally posted by bbramblett View Post
                No, he did not, just asked if his punches hurt.
                Ditch that gym bruh. You are going to get hurt.


                • #28
                  Did you attend a sparring specific session? Also had you volunteered to spar early? He might have said the ******ed comment more to do with you offering to get in there after just few weeks of training and taking on all comers before you were ready

                  I trained for six months before I had a go at sparring and even then I didn't feel 100% prepared in there as it is a total shock to the system. The same thing happened to me in my second sparring session but after he took me aside and showed me everything I'd done wrong and worked with me through it.

                  I then sparred for six months regularly once a week but kept getting tagged. It culminated in another trainer schooling me and it did hit my morale a bit. So I took 2 months off sparring to just work on defense. I asked the trainer for help so he showed me how to protect myself and made me do three rounds just defending while he through punches. Sounds brutal but it was the best thing I ever did. I did it every session, just got guys in the gym to work with me so I could practice my defense - I wasn't allowed to throw anything back, just defend against hooks and straights with elbows tucked in, weaving and slipping so I could keep my guard up no matter what.

                  I got back in the ring two weeks ago and felt way more comfortable under pressure, kept my distance and kept my guard up at all times. Lot of work to do but you can turn this to your advantage, you lasted couple rounds with someone more skilled and experienced than you, you show up again they'll see your tough, just get people to work with you on your defense and practice, practice, practice blocking and don't feel bad for turning down sparring for awhile until you feel more comfortable under pressure


                  • #29
                    I owned and operated a boxing gym from 1969 to 1985 (this gym remains open to this day) I have had ONE person spar their first time in the gym (no experience) the average member waits atleast 5 months for directional sparring (light work with an accomplished fighter).
                    I hear this garbage all the time here theres no way you know anything in a matter of weeks. Secondly you would need to exhibit natural abilities through the roof to be allowed to enter my ring.
                    Your "trainer" could have proved his point to you in a matter of seconds.
                    Taking advantage of his student is ridiculous and other than you being a wise azz like a few around here are its uncalled for and unheard of to beat up a novice member. Thats "not old school" its ignorance!
                    Ray Corso

