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Any former skinny guys have had success gaining muscle mass?

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  • Any former skinny guys have had success gaining muscle mass?

    I can use some tips. Trying to get bigger and I was wondering if anyone has made this transformation. Any advice will be appreciated.

  • #2
    Just be consistent in your workouts. 3-4 days a week. When a weight gets too easy after a while, move up 10 pounds. The bench press is critical.
    Last edited by RespekonMyName; 03-03-2015, 01:48 AM.


    • #3
      Don't have to do ****load of sets. As long as you are getting to the point failure whereby you are struggling to get the weight up or struggling to control the negative.

      Eat 20g of protein every 3-4 hours.


      • #4
        calisthenics/bodyweights wooot.


        • #5
          Thanks for the feedback gentleman.


          • #6
            Your diet is everything. You can workout like an absolute animal, see almost no gains, if your diet is not correct. I myself have experienced this, you'll be shocked at just how much of a difference proper eating makes, I myself couldn't believe it. Well I sort of could, considering the lack of gains I got eating bad.

            You need a certain intake of Protein, Carbs, Fats etc. into your diet to fuel your muscles, maximize gains, these are called macro nutrients.

            You can try using this calculator:




            This will help tell you what you need in your diet, it is not perfect, but you can always modify it to your needs if you don't see an improvement.

            I made a thread about foam rolling if you haven't seen it, here in the training lounge. This will be key to adding mass, as using a foam roller allows you to recover much faster.

            If you have trouble eating that much, they sell weight gainers online, just google "weight gainers", they're packed with healthy fats, proteins, carbs, tons of calories to help you gain weight.


            • #7
              Thanks guys. I'm going to work on my diet before I do any real lifting. As that poster said, the diet is key to gaining muscle. The lifting part, I'm not too worried about as that will come. Getting a good diet and being able to digest all of it is my main focus currently.
              Last edited by Wolfie*; 03-03-2015, 04:37 PM.


              • #8
                if your trying to gain muscle like I was i gained 11 lbs of muscle but in 3 months your going to have to try to eat a lot of chicken and eggs. Also drink 2 protein shakes a day. Its possible to gain weight by eating hella junk good but that is just fat weight


                • #9
                  I don't know if i'd call myself a skinny guy, when I started my current bulk I was 79kg (174lbs) at 6ft2 and now I'm around 85kg (187lbs)...that's pretty much lean muscle gains as well, since I didn't increase my body fat %. It's at approximately 13% at the moment, and I hope to get that around 8-10% after my summer cut. This gaining has taken place in the last 2 - 3 months. I started my current program on the 3rd of January.

                  Eat a lot, because that will fuel your workouts and feed your muscles, and use a mass gainer. I've used over this period Mutant Mass, and Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass. Each of those shakes give you about 1,000 calories and 50+g of protein per serving, and you have 2 a day. I find it quite easy to digest those calories so I don't have too much of an issue with eating a lot on top.

                  Do heavy lifting exercises such as the bench press, deadlift, squats etc. Stick with your routine, get enough rest...avoid injuries. And if you are a skinny guy, you will get a lot of gains quickly before you hit your plateau. I'd recommend for you to bulk March - April/May, consuming about 4k calories a day and working out at least 4 times a week, and cutting/shredding for summer from May/June-July.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by aldo5408 View Post
                    if your trying to gain muscle like I was i gained 11 lbs of muscle but in 3 months your going to have to try to eat a lot of chicken and eggs. Also drink 2 protein shakes a day. Its possible to gain weight by eating hella junk good but that is just fat weight
                    Yeah, when I first tried this my diet was oats, chicken, and eggs but my problem was I was force feeding myself these big 4 meals full of protein. My body couldn't handle it as I was trying to force myself to eat all of it. I was finding myself actually losing weight as I was lifting, burning more calories, more than I was putting into my body. When I'm going to do is slowly start eating more protein as my body gets use to it. My goal is to eat 4 full hardy meals of protein and about 2 shakes a day. It's going to take some time for my body to get use to it but I have to get the diet right.

