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Improving stamina for an inboxer

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  • Improving stamina for an inboxer

    Hey everyone, I am a heavyweight at 225 lbs and 5'9" and am most comfortable in an in-fight. I know I can conserve energy and outbox for a while but I do the most damage up close and need to find a way to hold on for extended periods of time while slugging it out and remembering to breath. I am asthmatic and boxing does help me a great deal with this.

    Does anyone have some advice as to what training methods I can use? Would a weighted vest and elevation mask do the trick? Any specific workouts that promote lung strength?

  • #2
    A weighted vest and elevation mask aren't going to benefit your cardio. Elevation masks are a gimmick anyways. The thing that will increase your cardio is having a good workout regiment and sticking to it.

    Interval training is the most effective way to build up your cardio, and it can either be sprinting or bag work. I personally prefer bag work since it also conditions the muscles you use for boxing more.


    • #3
      Okay, thanks for the quick reply. So I'll just stick to good 'ol bag work and do interval training.


      • #4
        Originally posted by HedonisticFrog View Post
        A weighted vest and elevation mask aren't going to benefit your cardio. Elevation masks are a gimmick anyways. The thing that will increase your cardio is having a good workout regiment and sticking to it.

        Interval training is the most effective way to build up your cardio, and it can either be sprinting or bag work. I personally prefer bag work since it also conditions the muscles you use for boxing more.
        This is definitely it. I don't really know what exactly to tell you since you are heavy for your height so they may hurt your joints it jump rope and sprint intervals are great! Intervals in general help you work at a high capacity and recover quickly. But you should have a good aerobic base before starting these.


        • #5
          Elevation Masks don't change your body at a physiological changes at a cellular level like actually training at altitude would. It does make your body adapt, and make your diaphragm work harder which in turn should help you with breathing so you should get SOME gains in that department, but it's still unknown exactly to what extent.


          • #6
            keep boxing.
            like previous posters said, interval training is very good. actually, everything should be interval training .

            and why the **** does wuckoo have red K, dude's good for training forums doe


            • #7
              Ok so ill step it up in my interval training and just keep going at the bag and doing my roadwork. Thanks for the advice everyone.


              • #8
                Originally posted by nivek535 View Post
                keep boxing.
                like previous posters said, interval training is very good. actually, everything should be interval training .

                and why the **** does wuckoo have red K, dude's good for training forums doe
                Got red k'ed by a guy with green k. A lot of green k.

                Thanks for the compliment though. As you already know I don 'r HAVE a huge amount of experience but I can at least help other beginners who were in the same boat as me.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Biolink View Post
                  Elevation Masks don't change your body at a physiological changes at a cellular level like actually training at altitude would. It does make your body adapt, and make your diaphragm work harder which in turn should help you with breathing so you should get SOME gains in that department, but it's still unknown exactly to what extent.
                  Oxygen uptake through the lungs is only the limiting factor in elite sprinters so I doubt it would help anyone doing three minute rounds or even two minute rounds. The only benefit elevation has is if you live in a high elevation it promotes red cell production. Training at a high elevation has no benefit, so ideally you would live in the mountains and train at sea level which is the reverse of what you do by using an elevation mask.


                  • #10
                    5'9 225?? can you post pictures?? either you are thick boned and very muscular are really overweight..not trying to insult you at all

