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Stance and Weight Distribution

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  • Stance and Weight Distribution

    Lets clear this up.. I have read that, in the boxing stance the weight should be more on the rear leg, on the other hand I have read that the weight should be equal between both legs or slightly on the lead leg. I have bought the Navy Boxing Book and it suggests 2 stances.. 1 - that the weight should be equal, or slightly over the lead leg. 2- the weight is more so on the back foot, with the lead leg as a this is purely a defensive stance, it suggest.. which makes sence, because when I tend to put more weight on my back head is further out of range.. book is here.. go to amazon and type..

    "Boxing (Naval Aviation Physical Training Manuals)"

    Is where I basically study the sweet science..

    What is your take on this... Lets clarify this.. Thanks..

  • #2
    I know nothing about Navy boxing so no comment on that.
    I taught boxing for many years out of my own gym that's still remains active run by a former member when I ran it.
    Normal situation calls for 60% to 65% of body weight up front!
    Full contact (mma) fighting will teach more weight even or at the back leg to accommodate for front leg lifts! (kicks)
    Again it has a lot to do with an individuals style & form.


    • #3
      Thanks... Other opinions welcome


      • #4
        This is taking right from the Famous book... "Boxing - by R.G Allanson Winn/B. Fletcher Robinson" A staple read for every boxer.. (Type that into google and find the E-book)

        "The weight should evenly divided between the feet. The reasons being is thus advancing and retreating are made easier. If you stand say 3/4 of your entire weight on the left or advanced foot, and want to retreat, it will take longer to shift that weight than it would if you only had half the weight on the left foot. Similarly, with regard to the right foot, if you have 3/4 of your weight on it you would be longer in advancing than you would if properly balanced"

        I tend to agree honestly.. and having a slight edge on the ball of lead foot as an anchor..(like in the navy boxing book) you need the left to me stable when throwing the right hand... And a solid pivot for the hook...

        Awesome stuff...


        • #5
          Passage - from the book "Edwin Haislet - boxing" basically the blueprint for the sweet science as the navy boxing book is almost word from word from Edwin's book...

          "The secret of the proper stance is to keep the feet always directly under the body. Which means that the feet should be a medium distance apart. Either the weight is balanced over both leg, or the weight is carried slightly over a straight left leg. With the left side of the body tunning a straight line from the left heal to the tip of the left shoulder. This position permits relaxation, speed, balance and easy movement as well as a mechanical advantage, making possible tremendous power"

          ..Priceless information..


          • #6
            Originally posted by mdef303 View Post
            Lets clear this up.. I have read that, in the boxing stance the weight should be more on the rear leg, on the other hand I have read that the weight should be equal between both legs or slightly on the lead leg. I have bought the Navy Boxing Book and it suggests 2 stances.. 1 - that the weight should be equal, or slightly over the lead leg. 2- the weight is more so on the back foot, with the lead leg as a this is purely a defensive stance, it suggest.. which makes sence, because when I tend to put more weight on my back head is further out of range.. book is here.. go to amazon and type..

            "Boxing (Naval Aviation Physical Training Manuals)"

            Is where I basically study the sweet science..

            What is your take on this... Lets clarify this.. Thanks..
            I don't think there is right answer to this question.

            There are many reasons for and against each type of weight distribution.

            I personally prefer a slightly more weight on my rear foot, but I wouldn't teach this to everyone. Depends on the boxer's natural abilities / physical / mental traits etc.


            • #7
              Sounds legit. The only caution that I pay attention to is to make sure my head is never passed my lead foot. And to point my lead shoulder. To make a straight line with my lead leg.


              • #8
                i agree with some answers here, but to add to it... you don't constantly stand in a 60-40 stance do you? just like you don't constantly stay on ur toes.
                you shift your weight and get on your toes etc only when situation calls for. otherwise, 50-50 and flat foot to conserve energy...? i could be wrong, but thats how i do it and it feels comfortable..


                • #9
                  mdef hasn't your coach ever taught you about stance and weight distribution? This is something experienced eyes can correct easily in person.


                  • #10
                    I have, and I have been told both ways. I strictly study the science out of the naval boxing book. It's been a gem, and all information makes perfect sense. In a defensive stance having your weight on the back foot seems legit due to your head being further away from your opponent. Although your opponent has more time seeing your shots, because the body and the arms have greater real estate to travel. When having the weight balanced or slightly on the lead leg, you can attack more efficiently. Cheers.

