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  • abdominals

    i have not got a lot of fat around the front of my stomach but around the sides there is more than on the front. does anyone no of workouts what target these specific areas ?

  • #2
    sidebends with dumbells


    • #3
      Originally posted by hardhitter
      i have not got a lot of fat around the front of my stomach but around the sides there is more than on the front. does anyone no of workouts what target these specific areas ?

      Standing twists
      Bicycle crunches

      Abs are all diet anyhow.


      • #4
        what diet should i be looking to eat/drink ?


        • #5
          i do 200 sit ups a day and 50 leg raises


          • #6
            Originally posted by hardhitter
            i have not got a lot of fat around the front of my stomach but around the sides there is more than on the front. does anyone no of workouts what target these specific areas ?
            we have the same problems dude, but i had a chat with a dietitian and told me that it should be a mix of exercise and diet. doing 200 sit-ups a day won't help your cause if you eat so much carbohydrates and fats in your meal. right now i'm concentrating on protein rich food, fish in particular, some veggies and limit myself to a cup of rice in every meal. i still have to see the results but i'm hoping this would be helpful for those who have gigantic obliques, hehe...


            • #7
              Originally posted by hardhitter
              what diet should i be looking to eat/drink ?

              Your abdominal muscles wont show through unless your bodyfat is at a low percent (usually around 7% or below) in order to get that you need to shed the fat that covers them, Cutting out any sugars and breads would help eating natural foods would be a lot of help. Fruits and vegetables and lean meat and water would be your key.


              • #8
                one small tip, try 2 do situps after training,not b4


                • #9
                  i hav the same problem


                  • #10
                    i am not that fat im 15 year old 10 stone just started training dont wanna lose weight just wanna tone up

