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The Official - I WILL KILL it in the GYM TODAY - MOTIVATION

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  • #51
    Originally posted by THE REED™ View Post
    Yeah... what's your weight now?

    Im at 195.
    261. Been doing at least 3 5ks a week. Slow process but its coming off.


    • #52
      Slow and consistent is the best way to longevity.

      Crash diets only lead to crash weight gain.


      • #53
        Something that has seriously been working for me on the bench press.

        Im talking about going up in weight for 6 months in a row.

        I have 3 different weeks on the bench, and I circulate them.

        Week 1: Endurance: 225lbs MAX reps; 3 sets

        My best is 16, 14, and 13.

        Week 2: Strength: 5 sets of 5:

        I just completed 280lbs, 5 sets all 5 reps.

        (When you can do all 5 sets successfully, you increase 5lbs for the next time, until you cant do all 5 x 5, then you stay there until you can.)

        Week 3: Power: Max Press.

        I pyramid up, warm up, 135lbs for 8, then 225lbs for 4, then 275lbs for 1, 305 for 1, and I hit 325 for 1, did it twice, then back down to 225.

        Then I go back to week 1.

        Ive noticed the 5x5 and Max, help my endurance week, as 225 seems so light, and Ive noticed my endurance week, really helps with my power and strength weeks as it increases my stamina on the bench, pressing 225 for 16 reps.

        Each week seems to compliment the others and keeps you moving.

        Highly suggest you give it a try, plus it keeps things new every week.


        • #54
          Also, I finally did some squats... big deal for me since Im constantly fighting lower back pain, trying to strentch and strengthen.

          The squat is always a mental block for me, something I tell myself I cant do.

          But if you keep perfect form, everything should be fine.

          Kept it light of course... just 135, 3 x 8. But its the first time in years I did it, so I still felt it.... felt great to just man up and do it.


          • #55
            Originally posted by THE REED™ View Post
            Also, I finally did some squats... big deal for me since Im constantly fighting lower back pain, trying to strentch and strengthen.

            The squat is always a mental block for me, something I tell myself I cant do.

            But if you keep perfect form, everything should be fine.

            Kept it light of course... just 135, 3 x 8. But its the first time in years I did it, so I still felt it.... felt great to just man up and do it.
            I'm gonna lose some more of my spare tire before I do squats but im gonna do that endurance bench today. I use d to do that a lot when I was younger just haven't in years. Ill post tonight after school amd the gym.


            • #56
              Originally posted by Mannie Phresh View Post
              I'm gonna lose some more of my spare tire before I do squats but im gonna do that endurance bench today. I use d to do that a lot when I was younger just haven't in years. Ill post tonight after school amd the gym.
              It's a hell of a burn.... my ultimate goal is 20.


              • #57
                Time to get back on the wagon.....

                I was going really well up until May, then i wrecked my shoulder and just lost motivation, fell back into old habits and put half the weight back on.

                At least this time I am starting out in slightly better shape than last time, looking forward to flushing out all the bloat weight tomorrow with my 1.5 gallons of water and back on the healthy eating plan.

                I am currently 191lbs, last time I started i think i was 204

                I did a count of my calories today (fairly average day for the last few months) and it came out at 4500.

                Back to 2400 calories from tomorrow, I hope to shift 10lb and get some definition back by new years eve which is when we all go to the beach for a few days and there's tons of hot women

                i have just over 8 weeks so it's only slightly over 1lb a week, although i'll consider that 10lbs to be AFTER the first week where i'll probably lose 4-5lbs of bloat.

                let's see


                • #58
                  New Max, snapped it after I completed.


                  Holy **** was I pumped I put it up, put it up strong too. 5 years ago would of never dreamed of it.. I was maxing at like 245.


                  • #59
                    Increased my 225lb bench max reps to 17.

                    Im reaching a ceiling at this point... the last rep went up solid, but afterwards my muscle felt like they were being pushed to the limit.

                    I followed up with a second set of 15 reps and abandoned the 3rd set.

                    Listen to your body, especially as you get older... Id rather be at the gym again in two days then go for something that could cause injury and be out of the gym for a month.


                    • #60
                      Doing my 5 sets of 5 today.

                      Going up to 290lbs.

                      This one will be rough and I do not think I will get all 5 sets of 5, prolly will be stuck here for awhile, But ill give it hell.

