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How's this for a solo light workout boxing routine

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  • How's this for a solo light workout boxing routine

    When I don't have the energy but wanna put in some gym time, this is what I do.

    Two rounds of skippin' rope

    2-3 rounds of shadowboxing(1st round I just shadowbox in place; 2nd round - I start going forward and backwards; 3rd round - I put it all together, in and out, side to side

    4-5 rounds of heavybag( 1st two rounds, I just hit the bag as if I'm just trying to get a base hit, then I turn it up)

    2-3 rounds of shadowboxing again and call it a day.

    Is it too light, good enough, kinda hard for a light workout? What y'all think

  • #2
    depends on what your trying to accomplish. for a light cardio workout its fine. if u want it another level up use it all during your shadowboxing. footwork combinations, everything. maybe even use small weights. i have lazy days too but for some reason when i get in there it auto motivates me.


    • #3
      I think this sounds fine for a light day. You should be able to feel how much is enough for you. Push yourself and increase your workout where you see you need the improvement. Sometimes it is not how long you are working on certain skills, but the level of commitment and effort you put into the work that dictates how much you will improve a specific skill.


      • #4
        Just finised my fight and i can no longer train for free in the gym until there is another event i will participe that they be promoting.

        Im thinking now, my own workout in the house

        Maybe streching warm-up 20mins just strenching jogging around in circles shuffling and **** like that.

        Then Jump rope 3 rounds 3 mins

        shadowbox with footwork 8 rounds 3mins (increased rounds to compenstate my lack of sparring)

        Bag - 6 rounds 3mins (increased also to compensate lack of punch mits)

        Bob and weaving on a string - 2 rounds 2mins

        Pushups - 20x3

        Crunches 30x3

        Situps 30x3

        Pullups 10x3

        more likely maybe it will take 1:30 hours with sufficient rest's in between.


        • #5
          any workout can look good on paper, but its how much you put in that matters really, not how much you do, if that makes sense?


          • #6
            but its how much you put in that matters really, not how much you do

            but its how much you do in that matters really, not how much you put - fixed

