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  • Please check us out and

    Hi if you need help with boxing like how or where to get started or your looking for a better gym or equipment please vist our webpage. The page is still under construction but is online now to look at. The page has been set up by us to help people get more and more people into boxing. They say boxing is dying and as a huge boxing fan i dont want that to happen so im trying to encourage more and more people to get into boxin from older ppl looking to get fit to young kids looking for a hobby. Now if i can help at least one person then its all worth it, when i wanted to get into boxing i found it really hard and nearly gave up and maybe if we can help people get into boxing it might not be the so called dying sport its made out to be. Please visit our page and help us grow and expand even more by clicking our sponsered links and help more and more people get into the best most exciting sport on the planet, and maybe just maybe we can stop boxin from being a dying sport and restore it back to its former glory.

    Thanks for reading this.
    VISIT US NOW:- and check out our affiliates for the all best boxing .

    We now also have a boxing blog again please visit us and dont forget to help us out by clicking on our sponsors.

    Again thanks for taking the time to read this and a special thanks to anyone who visits our page and helps us so we can help others even more. any suggestions on additional content would be appriaciated

  • #2
    should have all the updates added by monday now

