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  • Eyes

    Hi I'm just wondering if any of you guys where specs. My eyes are -2.50 (L) and -2.75 (R) thanks

  • #2
    I am -5.25 in both eyes and I wear contact lenses. First time I sparred one of them fell out, but after that they stayed in during sparring. Don't know as to whether you can wear them during official amateur bouts, but I don't think you can.


    • #3
      Originally posted by sukhenkoy View Post
      I am -5.25 in both eyes and I wear contact lenses. First time I sparred one of them fell out, but after that they stayed in during sparring. Don't know as to whether you can wear them during official amateur bouts, but I don't think you can.
      you can wear soft contact lenses in the amateurs. just be prepared to keep fighting when they fall out.


      • #4


        • #5
          i've got horrible eyesight in both eyes (-7.5 in one, can't member the other) and i wear soft contacts. i wear "1 day acuvue moist", i hate the feeling of contacts and only wear them when i spar/fite so i usually throw em away rite after i'm done. its not really an issue but jus like that guy up there^^^ sed, be prepared to fite if they fall out.

