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how often to work-out

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  • how often to work-out

    i work out usally about 4-5 days a week, is this to much? to little? would it be bad if i did more? how much should a boxer be working out? i neva really figured this one out.

  • #2
    boxers train anywhere from 3-5+ hours a day 5-6 days maybe even 7 days a week. but remember one of the most important parts of training is rest/sleep. if your not getting enough rest/sleep then youll never reach full potential in your physical condition because your body cant repair itself fully.


    • #3
      I think it's ok...

      Acai Berries Juice Capsule
      Denver Colorado Hotels


      • #4
        Your fine. I think the 5 hours a day the other poster said is a little much but there probably is a few people out there that do that. It really wouldnt be hard to do 5 hours a day if you hit the boxing gym twice a day. I train about 3 hours a day 5 days a week with the 6th day just being some shadowboxing and a run. The 7th day is some shadowboxing.

        Just remember not to confuse quantity with quality because you could go for a long slow run for an hour but that would do little to help you in the ring. Keep it specific, hard, and intense and you could do well with even less time if you "brought it" every time you worked out and did so intelligently.


        • #5
          Bernard Hopkins trains 2 hours a day plus running. So its QUALITY OVER QUANITY but the intensity in those 2 hours is probally serious

