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how long do you guys do the jumprope?

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  • #21
    just to let you know but 2 minutes of skip rope is pretty bad don't even expect to start sparring unless you can go 10 minutes continuously. On average anyone that takes boxing seriously and including your size should at least be able to do 3x3 rounds of skipping rope.
    But don't let that discourage you when I started I couldn't even skip rope hell I'd do 3 jumps then mess up and redo it. Just give it time and work thats all you need. don't set your goal at 2 minutes try to accomplish it within a maximum of a week.


    • #22
      I do 15 and the last 5 hard. In my opinion i dont think jumping for 30 mins is a good idea beacuse you only get so much time in the gym, and should be focusing on boxing technique. But thats just my thought.


      • #23
        Usually 3 x 3min rounds.


        • #24

          I usually go 20 minutes without a break mixing in different styles all the time, including double unders. Its not a challenge anymore but I use it as a warm up not as conditioning. Good luck, just keep pushing it.

          You could try doing 1 minute of hard ass skipping and rest for 30 seconds then do another hard minute, rest, skip, rest, skip for a while to build up. Start with 5 or so intervals and work up and keep adding time to the work portion whenever you feel you can. Every once in a while test yourself by going non stop and see how youve improved.


          • #25
            i just started last month and i try to do 12 min straight and i do 3 sets

