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Fighting someone with good movement.

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  • Fighting someone with good movement.

    If somebody ducks alot you can catch them with your other hand, if somebody dodges you can do the stuff etc. etc. but how do you catch someone who just moves back and around well? Esp' if they've got a longer reach than you the only thing I can figure out to is just dive forward but swinging both left and right until you catch them this loses most of the energy in your shot and leaves you wide open. The style i'm talking about it like Ali's kind of, just moving backwards and around with their hands down, I mean headhunting seems the only way but that's difficult and you will get hit. So, any ideas on how you catch these people besides cornering them or getting them to the ropes?

  • #2
    Cutting them off works. Just pounce on them and make them move back into the corner if they try escaping move to the direction there moving. Its really a perfect way to get them, Tyson used it often in his prime.


    • #3
      Make them fight your fight!


      • #4
        Get inside, keep the pressure on, go to the body!


        • #5
          I prefer to fight inside, like WAY inside. Close enough that he can smell the garlic on my breath. This way I can keep a shoulder or a hip or even a glove on him and feel which way they're going, so I can move when they do. I took a few weeks of Judo last year and it helped this considerably.

          As for getting in there, DO NOT "dive" in. If you lean forward and dart in, a smart boxer will catch you with an uppercut that will launch you over the ropes. Keep your head over your hips, turtle up, and learn to duck-walk -- i.e., move fast with your knees bent deeply.

          In this clip, especially watch how Tyson moves in and out with his knees bent. This is HARD. Squats and power cleans will help with this; it takes a lot of leg strength. Infighting is exhausting, so work some windsprints into your roadwork if you haven't already.


          • #6
            Originally posted by JayCoe View Post
            If somebody ducks alot you can catch them with your other hand, if somebody dodges you can do the stuff etc. etc. but how do you catch someone who just moves back and around well? Esp' if they've got a longer reach than you the only thing I can figure out to is just dive forward but swinging both left and right until you catch them this loses most of the energy in your shot and leaves you wide open. The style i'm talking about it like Ali's kind of, just moving backwards and around with their hands down, I mean headhunting seems the only way but that's difficult and you will get hit. So, any ideas on how you catch these people besides cornering them or getting them to the ropes?
            i hate this type of fighter! a retreating one with good head movement i move foward and two the left then let go to the opponents body! i've become a real fan of body punching as of late!


            • #7
              Just move round with em and keep ur guard up n dont let him hit ya, work himto wards the corner and throw combos and involves a few uppercuts to catch him off a duck but keep ur pattern unpredictable. A very diverse and fast combo will catch him as long as u got him in the corner (do a david haye - maccarenili tko on his ass lol) just know wat ur doin dont just launch at him cos fighters like these tend to be clever fighters and he'll expose a weakness and take advantage.


              • #8
                stalk them at an angle man, dont come straight at him or he will tag you. a fav trick of mine and my trainers is what we call, diagonal punching, you step to the outside of an orthodox boxers left jab (or southpaws right) and deliver a right over the top.

                how you do it:

                first you have to time the rhythm of his jab, this involves taking a few jabs im afraid but it all works out in the long run.

                then you step to the outside of his jab with your rear foot (your right foot if your orthodox, left if your a sothpaw), this involves putting you rear foot sort of infront and it can be a bit awkward at first.

                then then you should be leading with your rear foot and you shold have a nice clear shot at the side of his head with your right, throw the right with all your power and turn your hips into the punch to add force, when it lands and he is stunned you can now swarm him, hit him a few times in the body and come over the top again, trust me, i wobbled an adult who weighs 70 kgs with this move. (im a 14 year old who weighs 44), so if you guys are equal in weight and age you may well knock him down with that intital right and the resulting swarm of punches you can deliver. hope it works for ya, and its very complicated at first, it might be some thign you need to be taught in person


                • #9
                  Nah we werent equal in weight, he's an ex pro I think who weighs prob about 230lb, i'm new to it and I weigh like 152lbs haha. He's a coach so it wasn't about fighting, everyone loses to him it's just about learning. Yeah I know what you mean about never go right at him because that's what I did towards the end, I thought I can't hit this guy so the only thing I can do is head at him and try just get close to him because his reach was so much longer than mine, I got hit a few times, he pivoted around me and just did a real nice combo all on my head. End. Haha. It's not about trying to fight him, he's a trainer, it's was just about me trying to figure it out. Everything that went wrong was obvious, he was far too good and I just went to peices, dropped my guard, went face on no side on, dropped my stance, everything so I wasn't confused as to why I got hit so many times but when I was trying to figure out how you could have got him, in theory, I was just like "actually I don't know".

