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Decent boxing gyms in middlesbrough?

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  • #11
    Yeah it sounds almost exactly like ours lol, he's only just learnt my name too! And the same joke over and over again, thats scary how alike they are haha. Sounds like a decent gym, how many times can you train a week? When you spar, do you spar with people better than you, or people your own ability? As i said before, its not till september, but i think i might come up a few times during the summer to introduce myself and let them know ill be wanting to train properly in september, would that be ok?


    • #12

      when we spar erm,
      your usally put with people around your height and weight, if your sparring sumone alot better than you or bigger ect the trainer will say power down to that person , so you dont get hurt,
      so you can spar with a range of people ,

      i dont know if we have a break in the summer, im not sure,
      i think last year we we had 6 weeks off, or sumithing were usally closed for abit,
      i duont know when that is thoguh , il tell you wen i find out,

      wen you come you shud explain, and just go up and say,

      youve come from , (whereever) going to teeside uni and youve boxed before and want to carry it on here,
      he might say summit daft like come next week but i doubt it he will probly just say orite and then you can come when ,

      monday,wednesday, and firday 7-8

      what usally happens in ,

      the big lads, and the better lads spar first, and then once their out of the way the smaller lads who havent really had a fight yet will spar,

      some of the pople that are just not really good, arnt even asked to spar,


      • #13
        Check your pm's tricky!

