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  • beginner

    I'm going to start going to a gym 3 times a week. After I get used to that, what would be best to do on the off days? Would it be better to do body weight exercises and running, or is lifting better? I'm just wondering what'd be quickest way to develop power and strength (not size, though. Not necessarily).

    I've been doing body weight exercises for a while now, and I think I've plateaued. It was the same with weights. I've tried everything from variety, to going till failure (some say that's bad, some say it's good. I dunno anymore), but it seems like strength doesn't increase. I've mentioned weights because I know boxing is a sport of conditioning, not just strength. So I was wondering if maybe weights on the "off days" would be best if I want to increase strength quicker. I dunno what I'm talking about. Some advice would be awesome.