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Confused (not ***ually)

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  • Confused (not ***ually)

    Right now i am so confused what to do when boxing.
    In my stance i have my left hand up traditionally, but i like to turn my right hand a bit so the palm is outwards, i prefer it for parrying shots. i practiced that week with my second coach being cool with it, and then the overlord coach was like 'no, thats wrong'. not only this but the overlord coach guy tells me to actually step forward with the back right foot for the straight right. i just like twisting from the back leg, but apparently thats not enough. furthermore, i have one coach telling me to bounce around, another saying its better to slide/walk more to conserve energy. everytime i do what one wants, the other gets pissed.

    so my question is; what do you guys do? say no to one method and stick to the other? since my gym really trains people they see potential in and not everyone is accepted i dont want to make a nuisance and get kicked out.

  • #2
    You have 3 trainers? Drop two and stick to the one you think is the best, then listen to him.


    • #3
      theyre all trainers at my gym, but they treat us well and we normally get a good amount of time with them. theres about 5 trainers at the gym, i just utilise more than most. the thing is, the guy whos method i like most is like an assistant more than anything. the overlord guy is somewhere in between, theres one guy who is so orthodox that he tells us to properly guard our face (like when people are absorbing flurries) the whole time, and just lower the guard a bit for punches


      • #4
        I prefer both hands up at eye level with the back of my hand outwards but that's because I prefer the security it offers, it compacts me to move side to side to dodge and I hate parrying shots. My coach told me to do what you said you like, twisting the right hand palm facing and knock off the shot and then to return but I found that I wasn't too comfortable because on the more powerful jabs my hand was hitting me in the face every so often, which although not damaging, it's annoying to get the corner of your eye touched etc. I prefer to move my head, i'm more effective that way anyway. But a problem with that is it's difficult to get into the correct position to transfer the weight for a correct punch and so on, the argument between different methods is endless so if a coach teaches it you, and you like it, i'd say do it. I'm not saying that as a coach, because i'm not one, i'm just looking at it with logic. A coach knows what he is talking about and so if two coaches conflict then try out what both of them say and then choose which one you prefer, both will be correct but it just their style.

        As for movement, I was taught to step and then adjust, small steps at only a few inches at a time in order to maintain stability. Think of everything like a tick and cross list right;

        "Jumping around"
        + Easy movement, quick movement
        - It will use up alot of energy
        Therefore, to offset the negative you have to counter it, for this one it's with fitness. Therefore, do you have the fitness, or willing/able to get the fitness to be able to do this? If yes, then do it, IF you prefer it tihs way.

        Like I said, every coach is going to teach you different things because every coach is an individual, they've learnt from different people and had different experiences, alongside this they're all physically different, and it's therefore doubtful any of it is going to be wrong. It's like the question which style is better, outfighter or infighter? If the outfighter uses his jab and big swings and thus keeps him away then the infighter loses, if the infighter gets in close and utilises this, then the outfighter loses (I know it's not that clear cut of course). So, neither style is better than the other, nor is either style wrong, it's just different and so long as you do what you're taught and are comfortable with well, then you'll do well.


        • #5
          Ive been trained by 3 people (i've boxed for one and a half year). Atm I only train with 2 of them, as the last guy had to move back to Puerto Rico for half a year, as he didnt get married in time or something.

          The first trainer teached me all the basics, and he was great at it... but when he started teaching me more advanced techniques, he basically trained me as if I was a heavyweight (and no other a middleweight)

          My second trainer is more flexible. He lets me do what suits me the most. He shows me what HE prefers to do, but if it just doesn't fit my style, he doesn't force it on me.

          The third guy (Met him when he came to the gym one day, and I found out he had been boxing since he was a kid (for like 20 years) and he was from puerto rico). He let me box the way I wanted to box (with a few adjustments). Other then that, he just helped me perfect my natural style.

          My point is... you can't make Floyd Mayweather fight like Miguel Cotto, and vice versa. It's their natural styles.

          I suggest you speak to your trainers, and find out what trainer makes you feel like your progressing the best way, if you know what I mean... Choose the trainer you feel can perfect the best style for you.


          • #6
            Originally posted by jberg View Post
            Right now i am so confused what to do when boxing.
            In my stance i have my left hand up traditionally, but i like to turn my right hand a bit so the palm is outwards, i prefer it for parrying shots. i practiced that week with my second coach being cool with it, and then the overlord coach was like 'no, thats wrong'. not only this but the overlord coach guy tells me to actually step forward with the back right foot for the straight right. i just like twisting from the back leg, but apparently thats not enough. furthermore, i have one coach telling me to bounce around, another saying its better to slide/walk more to conserve energy. everytime i do what one wants, the other gets pissed.

            so my question is; what do you guys do? say no to one method and stick to the other? since my gym really trains people they see potential in and not everyone is accepted i dont want to make a nuisance and get kicked out.
            I would firstly like to say im a thaiboxer at heart and do boxing mainly to improve my punching technique and skills. On the offense i have both my palms palms forward and at eye level, my guard doesn't really change unless i have to cover and move at which point my palms face in and are generally tighter to my cheeckbones. In regard to method, i completely agree with JayCoe, its a question of style and you'll just have to find your own.


            • #7
              i did sort of expect the 'do wat you feel is right answer' but the thing is, i dont want to like be in cahoots with any of them, or block one of them out. im quite serious about what i do, and dont want to have to go back one day and fix it all. i want to play to my strengths (tall for weight class, long reach, ive been repeatedly told i have a good jab). so i dunno, if anyone has any suggestions considering my strengths and my weaknesses (stamina isnt quite there yet, my hand speed isnt that fast) then feel free to offer advice.


              • #8
                ahahaha you are gonna have the same problem with this thread that the one you already have with your trainers, and what its that, different opinions and you not being able to make up your mind.

                Find the style you feel more comfortable with and use it. And yeah just work with one trainer, you are losing more time trying to keep all of them happy.

                If you want my opinion i use a very traditional peek a boo stance with my palms facing my face and my forearms touching each other, but thats because i am short and have ok power so the style works for me. first time i boxed i tried to stay on my toes trying to be something like Ali and got my ass beaten hahahah but well that was a long time ago


                • #9
                  ^^ what weight do you fight at, your arms are ridiculous


                  • #10
                    It's interesting what someone said about bouncing around like Ali.

                    You always find that when people start boxing they try to either bounce around like Ali ir bob & weave like Mike Tyson! lol

                    It took me a while to find the style I'm most confident with. I have my right hand resting on my chin and have my palm open facing my opponent. My left hand floats away from my chin and sometimes I hold it quite low. [As seen in my sig]

                    I've tried the peek-a-boo stance and I find I'm too slow to counter in that position, I also find it blocks my peripheral vision a little bit too. I experimented until I found a stance that helped me to conserve energy, stay relaxed and see my opponents punches easily.

                    The coaches have seen my improvement and seen my confidence grow since adopting my current stance.

                    Last edited by Darkstranger; 05-05-2008, 09:12 PM.

