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knuckle pain

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  • knuckle pain

    so i got a heavy bag a little while back and its still got some hard patches in it towards the bottom. a couple of weeks ago i was hitting it and i went in for a left hook to the body and i instantly felt a pain in my left hand. i decided to stop and take some time off. my middle knuckle on my left hand has been really red. it finally looked back to normal so i decided to go back to the heavy bag. well i was punching it today and it started to hurt a little bit. not much and i could have continued but figured id rather let it be good then have crappy work out. i took my gloves and wraps off but i dont know why decided to put some other gloves on quick with out wraps and just make sure i was too hurt to continue. well then it wasnt bothering me and i went a some more rounds and finished up my workout. now like four hours later my knuckle is visably red again, and not like my other knuckles, like a bad red. it doesnt hurt if i were to push on it or anything and i know its not broken or anything because i can still make a fist and whatnot but still i was wondering if this has happened to anyone before and what they did. i feel like its been a month since this started and it should be 100% by now. sorry if this was long but i wanted to give all the facts instead of just saying my knuckle hurts. any insight would help.

  • #2
    i got better padded gloves, now i face no problems


    • #3
      all i can suggest is to rest it, even when the pain goes it will still be repairing itself.

      if the pain presists see a doctor.

      if you really cant go a couple of weeks without punching with it put a big heavy glove on your left to protect it.

