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Injured Hand - may not do golden gloves :(

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  • Injured Hand - may not do golden gloves :(

    This really sucks, the golden gloves is in 2 weeks and I may not compete because I injured my hand sparring yesterday. (Upper cut landed on opponents forehead.. **** he gotta hard head lol)

    This is my left hand just so you can see the diffrence

    And this is the injured hand (middle finger knuckle and down)

    closed fist

    Now I know it's not broken cuz I can open and close it, but it does hurt... Im not sure if I should just train only using the left and then go into the tournament unsure of how it will pan out, or if I should just let it heel 100%

    ps- I hurt this same hand back in september and it was about 99% now its all ****ed up again
    Last edited by McAlister; 03-11-2007, 06:37 PM.

  • #2
    that's rough man, if you've got insurance, I'd go see a doctor. It would seem that you put more force through the tendons than they could handle, at least at the point (and I would imagine your fist wasn't closed properly or something at the point of impact). Straining tendons, especially in your hands is not good. They are probably, just inflammed though. Keep some ice on it, and honestly, don't really use it. Keep those tendons in their normal state, which is if you were sitting in an arm chair, with the hand point down. Try to keep that hand like that. You can take some good chemical anti-inflammatories the days leading up to the GGs, but you gotta get those from a doctor. This is all based on the assumption that it is overstraining of the tendons, I could be wrong, it's hard to tell from a picture without feeling it or really seeing it well. I would bet that it's the problem however. Just as a side note, you get enough calcium and don't overload on protein do you?

    Hope it's feelin' better,

    EDIT: Also, does it hurt when you touch it?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Trick View Post
      that's rough man, if you've got insurance, I'd go see a doctor. It would seem that you put more force through the tendons than they could handle, at least at the point (and I would imagine your fist wasn't closed properly or something at the point of impact). Straining tendons, especially in your hands is not good. They are probably, just inflammed though. Keep some ice on it, and honestly, don't really use it. Keep those tendons in their normal state, which is if you were sitting in an arm chair, with the hand point down. Try to keep that hand like that. You can take some good chemical anti-inflammatories the days leading up to the GGs, but you gotta get those from a doctor. This is all based on the assumption that it is overstraining of the tendons, I could be wrong, it's hard to tell from a picture without feeling it or really seeing it well. I would bet that it's the problem however. Just as a side note, you get enough calcium and don't overload on protein do you?

      Hope it's feelin' better,

      EDIT: Also, does it hurt when you touch it?

      Appreciate the advice, Ill definatelly try some things out... As far as the calcium and protein lol Im not really sure I dont follow a specific diet or anything, I normally eat Fish and black beans for dinner with a power ade to drink... either that or Mcdonalds fish meal lol and thats all I eat every day one or the other.... ohh and cereal for breakfast (poor diet I know)

      And It hurt a lil bit when I touch it, but not as much as yesterday.. It feels better now, its just really swollen for the most part, I know I wont be able to punch with it tho for a while.. but I really want to compete


      • #4
        Hmm, well I'm not sure if your doctor would prescribe it, but I believe there are some decent topical (cream) anti-inflamatories that you can use that also dull pain. Honestly, it won't be good for the hand, it would prolong the injury (how long depends on a million things, so I can't say, could be an hour, could be 3 months) but it would allow you to compete and on that day actually be close to normal, as the swelling would greatly be lowered, and you wouldn't feel much pain. You'll lose some dexterity in the fist though. But take 'er easy, ice it, and above all TAKE IT EASY on that hand, and you should be able to compete in 2 weeks, I don't know if it'll be 100%, but you should be able to handle. But I haven't seen it first hand, so check out a doctor of physiotherapist. Since it came from a punch I'm slightly worried about it being a bone injury (not tendon) which is bad news, and competing would be a bad choice. I doubt it is, but I would really recommend getting it checked man. Also, with the diet, I don't think you overload on protein, so that's not a problem. Getting enough calcium may be though, for the time being, try downing some skim milk (bearing in mind that lactose is a sugar, if you're counting sugars) because bone or tendon injury, you'll need the calcium for now. Hopefully you've got something cool on it right now...

        Good luck with that,

        P.S. Philosphies on timing differ all over the place, but it's generally a good idea to make sure you have at least 25% of the time, no ice on it. I personally go with half and half (usually like 15-30min cycles) for a few hours, and leave it for another little while, and repeat that.

