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Comments Thread For: Wilder: Joshua is Trying To Milk The UK, After Next Fight I'm Ready

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  • #71
    Originally posted by MastaBlasta View Post
    You keep saying Team Wilder "wouldn't" communicate after an email. But Hearn publicly said they were talking at the time ...

    Also, the BT Sport thing: Wilder's Team found a way to put together AJ's requested compensation. If that was part of it, and unacceptable Hearn/AJ, perhaps they could have offered a concession to eliminate BT needing to be part of the package. If you remember, Hearn & Co. immediately started calling the offer BOGUS ... not trying to find ways to remove BT Sport. That's their bad, immature move. And you're offended Team Wilder didn't wanna talk further??

    Denigrating Wilder's offer, claiming it wasn't legit, etc. all before you examined and dealt with any issues (such as BT Sport) is like calling a man a liar to their face. Honorable business people don't make that their initial response ... if they want cooperation and respect in the future.

    Face it dude, Hearn & Co. intentionally blew-up the Wilder negotiations. They didn't want the fight ... fan-girl whining aside ...
    No I said they denied a meeting and refused to discuss the offer.

    Learn the difference.


    • #72
      Originally posted by MastaBlasta View Post
      AJ "said" offer him $50 million and he would sign "tomorrow" ... he didn't say "I will then start wanting to meet, call, propose etc.

      Out of his mouth son. He said it like he would sign in a heartbeat (ofcourse, as long as it was legit, verifiable monies .... Hearn verified it).

      honestly, have some milk or cheese
      This is the simpleton newbies on this forum.

      "Yeah 50 mil yeah? I'll show up in Las Vegas then. See you soon!"


      • #73
        Originally posted by Nusky View Post
        Another typical closeted fan of the Uk fraud, dancing around the facts.

        The fact remains Wilder has and still is facing much better competition up to this point. The minute Aj steps up to real elite competition he loses and you all know it. That's why you're so desperate for the fight not to happen.

        Wilder, Ortiz and fury beat him, hell, even Dubois would probably beat his ass(already did in sparring.)

        While Wilder is fighting the fighters your idol is afraid of, You keep making excuses for your secret crush and getting taken advantage of. His fans like that kinda stuff. Real weirdos...
        This is idiotic beyond belief.


        • #74
          Joshua bout to sign a fight? Better talk about him for the next few months.

          Hopefully Wilder Fury build up wont just be talking about AJ again. It's boring listening to his propaganda


          • #75
            A lot of suspect "boxing fans" in here trying to defend their boyfriend Joshua.

            Most of you closeted weirdos probably have his recent talkshow appearance playing on a loop. We know you only support the fraud because you're secretly in love with him.

            They're Not even real fans of boxing in general, just fans of Aj. If they were, they'd see what is clear even to a blind man- Aj is a coward.


            • #76
              Originally posted by SeGoodland View Post
              This kind of article and others like it are the reason why the Heavyweight division is both the most popular but also why its the disgrace of boxing right now.

              If people continue to give this guy a platform to spout off what he likes then there will always be mutants ready to agree with what he says. The same goes for Eddie Hearn. Not Barry though, we like Barry.

              Any real, rational and open minded boxing fan will know that Wilder hasn't contributed to the recent rise in Boxing popularity. He's piggy backed on the journey, most recently using Fury to promote his international image and he still isn't very popular!

              “It has not been back since 2004 with Lennox Lewis" - Well if that was the case Deontay, you should have fought Klitschko and make an impact...oh that's right, you weren't ready after 33 fights, you clown.

              “I am willing to fight him. This is not us; they know what we want,” - Tell us Deontay, what do you want!? 50%??? Surprise Surprise, just like every other HW out there, MILKING Hearn and Joshua. That is the definition of HYPOCRITICAL!

              He says that he's ready now. A few weeks ago he said that he wasn't going to fight him. What is he going to say next week!? Jesus, this man is a disgrace!

              If there was at least some consistency then maybe Wilder would actually be a bit more popular internationally. He needs to stop talking and do what he needs to in the ring because, right now, I will only be watching the fight because I want to watch Fury fight, not Wilder.
              Great Comment.....deontayduckus wilderquackus has not fooled many people here in America....he is a disgrace to The Great State of Alabama and to America....word of mouth and believe me he is exposed as a quack


              • #77
                Originally posted by MastaBlasta View Post
                You keep saying Team Wilder "wouldn't" communicate after an email. But Hearn publicly said they were talking at the time ...

                Also, the BT Sport thing: Wilder's Team found a way to put together AJ's requested compensation. If that was part of it, and unacceptable Hearn/AJ, perhaps they could have offered a concession to eliminate BT needing to be part of the package. If you remember, Hearn & Co. immediately started calling the offer BOGUS ... not trying to find ways to remove BT Sport. That's their bad, immature move. And you're offended Team Wilder didn't wanna talk further??

                Denigrating Wilder's offer, claiming it wasn't legit, etc. all before you examined and dealt with any issues (such as BT Sport) is like calling a man a liar to their face. Honorable business people don't make that their initial response ... if they want cooperation and respect in the future.

                Face it dude, Hearn & Co. intentionally blew-up the Wilder negotiations. They didn't want the fight ... fan-girl whining aside ...
                You are an ldiot and a big foo1, you Wilder fan girls are so much ******s!


                • #78
                  Originally posted by MastaBlasta View Post
                  AJ "said" offer him $50 million and he would sign "tomorrow" ... he didn't say "I will then start wanting to meet, call, propose etc.

                  Out of his mouth son. He said it like he would sign in a heartbeat (ofcourse, as long as it was legit, verifiable monies .... Hearn verified it).

                  honestly, have some milk or cheese
                  Another ldiot, no wonder you still live in grandma’s basement if you conduct business like how you mentioned you would definitely die broke, heart broken, penny less and homeless!


                  • #79
                    Originally posted by Nusky View Post
                    Another typical closeted fan of the Uk fraud, dancing around the facts.

                    The fact remains Wilder has and still is facing much better competition up to this point. The minute Aj steps up to real elite competition he loses and you all know it. That's why you're so desperate for the fight not to happen.

                    Wilder, Ortiz and fury beat him, hell, even Dubois would probably beat his ass(already did in sparring.)

                    While Wilder is fighting the fighters your idol is afraid of, You keep making excuses for your secret crush and getting taken advantage of. His fans like that kinda stuff. Real weirdos...
                    I'm not an AJ fan, and I'm not a UK fan. Do you want to try again? Or leave it at showing everyone else what a f**king idiot you are?

                    Notice how I did not mention AJ once. But right on cue - AJ is the first thing you think of when defending Wilder.

                    This obsession needs to stop. It's not even fun to out fans like you anymore - you're just an embarrassment.


                    • #80
                      If Deontay Wilder is successful against Tyson Fury, then I believe that AJ just may take Wilder up on that $50mil offer guarantee after all in the U.S. Plus a percentage. It makes a hell of out more money and sense in Las Vegas anyhow.

