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Anyone seen Wilder in person?

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  • #51
    Originally posted by Phenom View Post
    They barely play 10 minutes of actual game time once a week and they rest 6 days , NFL players are those that weren't talented enough to make it in other sports

    None of these guys would have the stamina to make it in boxing
    Ain't that a fact


    • #52
      Originally posted by daggum View Post
      what other sports? football is the biggest sport in the usa and what most people aim to make. they usually end up in other sports if they cant make it in football or dont want to play in such a violent game. you don't aim for water polo and when that fails try for the nfl.

      Plenty of guys that couldn't get a basketball scholarship choose to take the football route understand that 90% of college football players don't make it to pro most of them were not good enough to get scholarship at other sports

      And if you're talking about elits no one that was good enough to be a 1st round pick in the NBA or MLB choose the NFL over it that's why you see NFL players b1tching about the contracts NBA and MLB players get


      • #53
        Originally posted by mathed View Post
        Running backs and WR's have to have really good endurance, they are sprinting at near full speed on almost every play, especially WR's. I remember reading something about Jerry Rice and he did this routine where he sprinted uphill with a parachute tied to his back for the equivalent of 5 miles or something like that. These guys train like monsters. The bigger dudes have way too much muscle to keep up a high pace for too long but most WR's are very lean, ripped.
        Being lean ripped doesn't mean you have the stamina there are plenty of stoppages and dead time between plays and WRs get subbed all the time unlimited substitutions

        This argument that the best American boxers are playing in the NFL is ****** NFL NBA MLB has been around for years it's not something new so was soccer Rugby crickets etc


        • #54
          Originally posted by Curt Henning View Post
          these euro guys...they dont understand american football...every week for those guys is like getting in a car wreck.....those guys can barely get out of bed on mondays...its the most brutal sport there is....and the thing is...even watching it on tv or from the stands it looks slower than it actually is.....go stand right on the sideline at the line of scrimmage and watch .....its so fast and brutal
          Watch a rugby league game before you say that. We play without the helmets and padding.


          • #55
            Originally posted by Redd Foxx View Post
            Interesting story. I remember Tony Bellew calling out Wilder and then saying he came to his senses after he met the man face to face.
            That's what I was gonna say. I've seen Bellew up close and he ain't a small dude, but he said Wilder just dwarfed him - wrapped his arm around him like he was a kid.


            • #56
              Just look at Wilder in his interview with Power 105.1. He was huge compared to even Charlamagne and Charlamagne isn't an entirely small dude. He works out and usually is bigger than most who HE interviews.


              • #57


                • #58
                  Originally posted by daggum View Post
                  wow that's messed up. these guys eat babies?
                  Ms Koba wants to know why I'm giggling like a moron.


                  • #59
                    Originally posted by PensionKiller View Post
                    Nfl is basically rugby but with padding and roids.

                    Don't try and make it out that it's super tough because real football (you know, a game where the ball is in contact with the feet) is much tougher.

                    Americans gone soft, soon basketball players will need padding
                    Originally posted by Rockybigblower View Post
                    Watch a rugby league game before you say that. We play without the helmets and padding.
                    Don’t try to spoil their fun, their ignorance is amazing to read through their posts.


                    • #60
                      Originally posted by PensionKiller View Post
                      Nfl is basically rugby but with padding and roids.

                      Don't try and make it out that it's super tough because real football (you know, a game where the ball is in contact with the feet) is much tougher.

                      Americans gone soft, soon basketball players will need padding
                      Real football (I'm with you in that) really is a better sport all the way over what united statians call football. But let's be honest, it's not tougher, unless you're talking about female football

