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Comments Thread For: McGregor Opens as 10-1 Favorite in Mayweather MMA Fight

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  • #41
    Originally posted by Eff Pandas View Post
    Idk if I buy that. I think he got gifted a brown belt like some of these guys are doing these days. Although yea Floyd ain't gonna have sh^t on the ground, but I think Conor would make it a standup fight.

    I do agree Nate is a ninja on the ground & as a fan it sorta pisses me off he doesn't make that more of his game, but I still say Conor tapped super mfing quick & a legit guy skilled on the ground doesn't tap that quick. And he did that before to years ago. I think lil has changed with him on the ground.

    Eddie Bravo said that he trained with Conor and he is a legit brown belt..... I think that Nate Diaz is just REALLY fkn good, and a little stronger than Mac

    I also seem to recall Conor going to the ground in the 2nd fight and surviving


    • #42
      Originally posted by Travycat View Post
      If he loses an MMA fight, his entire legacy which was based on being unbeatable goes out the window. Unless he's having money troubles already; just quit while he's ahead. Being 41 or 42 by the first fight isn't the time for a guy with hand problems to start using 4 oz gloves and trying to avoid takedowns. Be like somebody's grandma learning how to ride a Harley just because she rode a bicycle when she was younger.

      good one


      • #43
        I'll believe it when I see it. This fight ain't @ all the pre-emptive damage control in here tho.


        • #44
          mayweather not going through with this unless his guarantee is huge. He going to need another $100 million guarantee, I dont see Dana white wanting to give it to him.

          Conor took mayweather's shots very well, that was the biggest surprise of that fight for me. Mayweather punched him at will for 10 rounds before stopping him on accumulation and conor's exhaustion. Mayweather has NO chance to beat conor in MMA, he is just going to get submitted. Their last fight tells us even if Mayweather lands his biggest hail mary, conor will just eat it and tackle and submit him.


          • #45
            Originally posted by Eff Pandas View Post
            You'll rarely see a UFC fight be 10-1 so its basically 100-1.

            Basically Cyborg fights are the only fights that are 10-1 or wider on a regular basis cuz they don't even gotta a 145lb roster so all her opponents gotta gain 10lbs from 135lbs.

            And Conor's not really a ground guy so thats not so much a worry here. Kicks/Legs/Knees would be the real problem with Conor.
            Compared to Floyd, Conor is a mix of Matt Hughes and Royce Gracie.


            • #46
              the only thing that fooled some into thinking Conor had any chance in the ring was his height, weight and age advantage.

              Floyd has none of those.

              Still, got nothing to lose really. About as relevant to his boxing legacy as losing tennis match to Federor


              • #47
                Originally posted by TheClap View Post
                Floyd is a rock star! If any of you boys wanna learn something, don't go far - the blueprint is right here. Props to Floyd. All he has to do is tap out and he gets more money to buy luxury cars and to stay richer than JayZ
                You mean the night club where he can't pay the electric bill and cars that he has to sell to pay down debt?

                The ONLY reason he is going to get himself humiliated is because he needs the money... not because he wants it.

                He is hood rich...


                • #48
                  He'll do it. He'll make more than he did for the Pacquiao fight. Afterward he'll say that he's still be best boxer of all time and is the greatest athlete ever for also crossing over into mma.


                  • #49
                    What?? only 10-1?? how big a favorite was Floyd in boxing?

                    Mcgregor can beat him anyway he wants in MMA and should be 100-1 lol

                    If i was Floyd i'd set something up with Conor.. don't take any punishment.. get taken down and tapped out to a rear naked choke..

                    If its a legit MMA fight.. Conor can do huge damage with leg kicks and on the ground


                    • #50
                      floIV is broke. he needs money badly.

