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Comments Thread For: Golovkin's Coach To Charlo: You KO'd a Cripple, Wait Your Turn!

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  • Originally posted by DramaShow View Post
    hes not much of a threat at all. just another overhyped yank. hes fought one half decent opponent (past prime trout) and the crowd booed the decision, he squeaked through that night and looked awful. these charlos have only started getting serious hype after beating lubin and williams who were two other overhyped fighters who have achieved nothing.
    I agree he doesn't need Charlo. He should just take this rematch with Canelo and retire; Hopefully, while still undefeated.

    He has nothing to prove at this point. There aren't any challenges or cash cows left at 160 or 168 anymore. There is nothing at 168 for him and then you have all these young guys gunning for him who don't bring anything in terms of money to the bargaining table at 160.

    Therefore, GGG should just call it a career after the Canelo fight which he won the first time. Hopefully justice is done this time and his hands would be raised victoriously.


    • Originally posted by kushking View Post
      NO HE WASN'T! Never fought for wbc,he was vacant ibf champ after he was gifted vacant belt for beating a complete bum bundrage.
      You're right.. Jermell is WBC Champ!!!

      You're wrong... Jermall beat Bundrage for the IBF title!! Not a vacant!!! Bundrage beat Molina!!


      • Originally posted by Boxing1012 View Post
        Exactly. And the telling thing for me, as you mentioned, is Charlo is not exactly demanding the fight. If he really wanted GGG he would be making a lot of noise right now. He's silent.
        I think he's silent because he knows it's not going to happen soon. The Golovkin Canelo fight is the priority now. If he fights and beats a top contender or destroys some of Golovkin's past opponents then he can make a strong case for a fight after the rematch.


        • Originally posted by larryxxx. View Post
          Golovkin was number 1 rated for Felix Sturm for two years and then Martinez. Then we were mandatory for Cotto and even for Canelo it took a while

          No Able said they would fight Charlo if they are mandated to. He indicated that they don't want to fight Charlo now that Golovkin has finally got lucrative fights in his future. Even if he ducks him I wouldn't care. Charlo hasn't proven himself at middleweight. Its not like a Superstar moving up like Duran versus Leonard. Yes Charlo appears to be a good fighter at Jr.


          • Originally posted by Lou Cipher View Post
            I whooped Alfonso so bad, his trainer asked Richard Steele to keep me out of the gym while Alfonso was dancing around in spandex pretending to shadowbox with his little pink dumbells.

            You will never get over it. Lou Cipher will live rent free in your head forever.

            keep telling stories, rent-boy

            somebody will believe them

            no, wait.....


            you whooped a skilled vet who has been in there with EVERYONE, including multiple camps with De La Hoya..... and you did this waaaay back when you were a 16yo MMA fighter..... making you, some kind of phenom.....

            ..... and yet..... nobody knows you, and you did absolutely nothing with your life..... ?

            and despite you being some kind of boxing phenom, you clearly know nothing about the sport judging by the utter dribble that you type.....?

            did I get that right ?

            but, keep telling your cool stories, fcuk-boy LMAO

            Last edited by aboutfkntime; 10-21-2017, 07:43 PM.


            • Originally posted by genrick View Post
              Charlo ain't rushing dawg.
              It's just for shows to avoid Jacobs.
              Charlo will keep fighting trash in the interim like Lara did.
              It's the same script they are all using.
              Call out GGG and fight cab drivers.

              it is the gggay gggolovkin gggroupies running the same script

              every-time a threat calls out Golovkin..... dey not serious doe..... it just for show doe..... dey need to earn it doe.....

              right on cue


              • He is not slipping, he is just fighting better competition now.


                • Originally posted by aboutfkntime View Post
                  you whooped a skilled vet]



                  • Originally posted by TonyGe View Post
                    No Able said they would fight Charlo if they are mandated to. He indicated that they don't want to fight Charlo now that Golovkin has finally got lucrative fights in his future. Even if he ducks him I wouldn't care. Charlo hasn't proven himself at middleweight. Its not like a Superstar moving up like Duran versus Leonard. Yes Charlo appears to be a good fighter at Jr.

                    what do you think of the ducking accusations leveled at Martinez ?

                    so accusing..... Martinez, who had proven himself on multiple occasions..... of ducking Golovkin, who had not "proven himself at middleweight"..... ?

                    Martinez who had been chasing the Cotto fight for years, and who would have been ****** to pass that up for the unknown/unproven Golovkin..... appears to be in exactly the same boat as Golovkin..... who has been chasing the Canelo fight for years, and would be ****** to pass that up for the unknown/unproven Charlo

                    it is exactly the same situation

                    and yet, certain posters called Martinez a coward

                    all I am saying is..... a lot of GOOD/GREAT fighters have been thrown under a bus because of the bullshht surrounding Golovkin..... I can name half-a-dozen more


                    • Originally posted by Lou Cipher View Post


                      I shudder to think how you pay your rent, fcuk-boy

                      it aint by sparring, I know that

                      grow up Cipher you ass-clown, NOBODY believes your bullshht kid

