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Comments Thread For: Cotto Placing More Emphasis on Strength Training For Kirkland

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  • Comments Thread For: Cotto Placing More Emphasis on Strength Training For Kirkland

    There are no reasons to alter the formula. Fitness coach Gavin McMillan will maintain the same pattern of work that he's done in the past with former four division world champion Miguel Cotto. They have been working together since 2013.
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  • #2
    Cotto getting prepared for Kirkland bullying him in the ring


    • #3
      A far more interesting fight to me than Canelo/Chavez. Not saying the two Mexicans won't bring the heat, but this fight looks like it could be high drama and a lot closer of a contest.

      I know the 'boxing experts' on here are shitting on Kirkland's chances. Am I picking James? With your money, I'd probably take him. But with mine, I would have to take Cotto.

      I believe the fight was announced in December?? This is enough time for Wolfe to get James in shape and tighten him up. I expect James to be markedly better in this fight - for one he doesn't want to get blasted into next week again, and two, Wolfe will keep him focused during the fight.

      You look at the right hand that dropped James like a sack of potatos against Canelo, absolutely perfect shot. The people that know boxing and have watched James, know that it takes the freakin kitchen sink to stop a sharp Kirkland. Even after the third knockdown from Ishida, James could have clearly continued. Three knockdown rule...

      Great left hook aside, I don't know if a 36 or 37 year old Cotto has that perfect shot to KO a focused James. If he doesn't, that means trying to box and hold Kirkland off, which means a great, high intensity fight.


      • #4
        That's the thing if he moves boxes angles combos breaks him down he doesn't need to wrestle in trenches with Kirkland just pick him apart death by a thousand slices no toe to toe war not needed Kirkland has no d no movement


        • #5
          We are going to see if Kirkland learned anything from the Alvarez fight. I know he can put a hurt on Cotto, but unless he hurts Cotto early or has picked up serious boxing skills, Cotto wins.


          • #6
            Kirkland has got this one in the bag. It will be the Margarito fight all over again with the stronger man making cotto quit.


            • #7
              you are going to see the same cotto from cotto-margarito 2. kirkland moving forward closing the gap, cotto fighting off the back foot, using angles to engage and slip out. stick and move. but kirkland has the ability to close the gap and have his opponents engage. going to be a good scrap while it lasts. im a fan of both, but i hope cotto wins out in 2017 and rides into the sunset. what an outstanding career. i will be there ringside at baby jerry world.


              • #8
                this fight is a joke smh


                • #9
                  Good fight thanks!


                  • #10
                    Cotto doesn't need any strength training to beat Kirkland lol.

