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Lets be honest...does any one give 2 sh#ts bout Tyson Fury?

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  • #11
    I like Tyson as a person and i also like that he dont censor how he speak in fear of offending people, if you got something on your chest you should be able to say it, none should tell you what you can and cannot do, its your life
    But i dont like him much as a sportsman, has natural talent for sure but doesnt dedicate himself and is in terrible shape, i dont rate him high as a boxer and it was unfortunate that Wladimir couldnt let his hands go in their fight (for whatever reason that was)
    Doesnt belong in the top 5 HW imo (Yes he beat the man @ HW but i feel this is more of Wlad not rising to the ocassion rather then Fury being the better fighter, but he did frustrate Wlad for sure, just felt Wlad couldve done alot more)


    • #12
      Originally posted by therealpugilist View Post
      good riddance....he knew his title reign was gonna be short lived with Wilder, Joshua, Parker and ortiz on the horizon
      Fury is big enough, and skilled enough, and fit enough, not to need to worry about anybody out there. And he'll be back in the ring proving it again next year.


      • #13
        Why wouldn't they? Fury is one of the best heavyweights right now, he beat ****** Klitschko, why hate him as a boxer?


        • #14
          What in the flying **** does that have to do with anything?


          • #15
            Originally posted by RicspekOnMaName View Post
            I mean really.........does anyone even care if he retires or ever fights again? the dude is a never was...........who cares.....I mean does he have fans??

            Well...he isn't a never was, considering he is THE heavyweight champ but I am tired of him. Constantly going back on his word, postponing fights and possibly even feigning injury and illness.

            I'll respect him if he gets back in the ring with Wlad.


            • #16
              I would say his value is more entertainment of what he does outside the ring not really in it . For that reason i would say the majority isnt going to care really its not like better match ups cant be made without him . I would still like to see Wilder fight him,that particular match up just to see the outcome ,i think that fight is very entertaining one that would answer some questions of how good Fury really is against a top 5 guy who will go at him and not just look at him . I think the division doesn't really need him but would be better with him in the mix .


              • #17
                Originally posted by juggernaut666 View Post
                I would say his value is more entertainment of what he does outside the ring not really in it . For that reason i would say the majority isnt going to care really its not like better match ups cant be made without him . I would still like to see Wilder fight him,that particular match up just to see the outcome ,i think that fight is very entertaining one that would answer some questions of how good Fury really is against a top 5 guy who will go at him and not just look at him . I think the division doesn't really need him but would be better with him in the mix .
                I agree with this. Yes, he beat Wlad. That fight ****** though. It's like we traded one dull champion for another.


                • #18
                  Originally posted by RicspekOnMaName View Post
                  I mean really.........does anyone even care if he retires or ever fights again? the dude is a never was...........who cares.....I mean does he have fans??

                  I do bruh.

                  Greatest HW there ever was. He is boxing. He was boxing.

                  Fury will be back to consume the souls of mortals and regain his titles.

                  WAR FURY!!!!

                  VAMOS FURIA!!!


                  • #19
                    Originally posted by jreckoning View Post
                    I agree with this. Yes, he beat Wlad. That fight ****** though. It's like we traded one dull champion for another.
                    It might be the worst changing of the guard fight ever at heavy, especially in terms of how the old champion went out.

                    Normally at heavy the old champ gets annihilated by the new guy especially if the old guy has very little to offer like Wlad that night, not just nip and tuck edging it out by doing just a bit more than nothing.


                    • #20
                      Originally posted by Weltschmerz View Post
                      Believe it or not, he has fans in the UK Not people I'd like to get to know closer.
                      I'm his fan from the USA.


