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Comments Thread For: Tyson Fury Tests Positive For *******! Titles in Jeopardy!

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  • #81
    Originally posted by Roscoe337 View Post
    I don't like to be an apologist for anyone. I do feel compelled as someone who has worked with the mentally ill to speak up for Fury here. When somoene like Fury gets manicky they will do almost anything.

    True story: we had an asian women, gorgeous! and she had just gotten married to a wonderful guy. She had an episode and wound up sleeping with another, so she became suicidal...She couldn't tell this guy because he wouldn't understand, she was an ethical person, so she was beside herself. A doc who was her appointed physician did something that made me very proud to work in his team (I was a councellor). He told her that under the conditions she should not tell her husband. He reasoned that if he would not understand, she would learn to control the illness, but that she had a legitimate reason under the circumstances not to speak of what happened.

    I could see Fury was manicky when he had that first presser for the second fight and where he was speaking of not being interested, etc. It was sad and probably like a lot of his fans I wanted to think it was just him in a bad mood. I knew better and so should anyone who speaks of Tyson.

    It is sad. Tyson has a long road to hoe and I doubt boxing will be a part of it for now. he has to get his illness under control. It is imperative and the first thing he needs to do because his marriage will be next.

    The way some of you speak about Tyson is ignorant beyond belief. I hope none of you ever have to look in the eyes of a person, already suicidal, who just found out his wife and kids are leaving. As a councellor we had this happen a lot. The person becomes too much, Tyson is heading that way folks. Have some respect for f...s sake.
    The man has made millions...he is and was at the top of the tree....he's thrown accusations , insults and abused many different cultures and genders before we all go sympathetic with him...he has luxury a beyond belief and he don't have to worry about putting his last £10 on his electric key......yes no one likes a person who's having it rough but he's hardly been the nicest person in the world as for thought son


    • #82
      Originally posted by LacedUp View Post
      ******. Obviously not surprised.

      Can't wait to hear the klit boys tell me how ******* helped him beat Klitschko
      The other day you said this was a witch hunt... you were obviously wrong.


      • #83
        We've all known Fury isn't all there for a while now, if there were any doubts the lead up to the Klitschko fight removed them. It seems he hasn't been able to handle the pressure of being world champion and all the negativity being aimed towards him since beating Klitschko. I doubt we'll see much, if any of him again. If we do, he probably won't be the same man.

        What a shame. I think he could've dominated this new generation of HWs Instead he'll now be reduced to an oddity in the history books and a "what could have been".


        • #84
          Originally posted by Kigali View Post
          He stopped getting KO's soon as he started testing.
          Did he honestly look diminished after starting testing when he beat the **** out of Margs, Mosley, and threw literally over 1100 punches against Clottey I believe? If ever he was on PEDs, that Clottey fight would have been it. I know Clottey isn't an ATG or anything but Pacquiao looked spectacular that night. 1100 punches?? He never stopped throwing combos. Compare that to the third Bradley fight he threw 400 punches.

          So I think you're a little off base. Pacquiao started declining around 32 years old. You can say that's when he started testing, but it's also when athletes normally decline, especially ones like Pac and RJJ who rely on pure athleticism and in Pacs case, had been in tons of ring wars since he was a teenager.


          • #85
            Originally posted by LacedUp View Post
            ******. Obviously not surprised.

            Can't wait to hear the klit boys tell me how ******* helped him beat Klitschko

            Originally posted by lopetego View Post
            ******* is also a PED

            it's not like marijuana, that doesn't help you for **** athletically wise

            coke increases your energy and your sense's awareness

            truck drivers use it to stay awake for days for a reason

            ******* also makes you feel more aggresive, superman-like

            Fury is a disgraceful druggie and PED cheat
            Originally posted by Isaac Clarke View Post
            ******* helps to lose weight.

            "Dr Ersche said: “We were surprised how little body fat the ******* users had in light of their reported consumption of fatty food. It seems that regular ******* abuse directly interferes with metabolic processes and thereby reduces body fat. This imbalance between fat intake and fat storage may also explain why these individuals gain so much weight when they stop using *******.

            The researchers discovered that ******* users expressed a preference for fatty foods and carbohydrates and also had patterns of uncontrolled eating. Yet, despite ******* users’ fatty diets they often experienced weight loss, and their body fat was significantly reduced compared to the control group."



            • #86


              • #87
                Originally posted by Isaac Clarke View Post
                Fury gets banned for a failed drug test without the public knowing and the same day claims injury = fight cancelled.

                Fury fails a drug test on the 22nd and a day later he's medically unfit to fight = fight cancelled.

                Fury tries to cover shit up but the truth always outs.
                Well YOU try to run an elaborate cover up while coked to the gills! Not as easy as it looks is it?? lol


                • #88
                  Oh, Tyson...

                  Clearly he's not cut out for the spotlight.


                  • #89
                    Originally Posted by PunchyPotorff View Post
                    Some boxing fans are already grinding on Fury, so no surprise it's open season now. Obviously the guy suffers from clinical depression... not a fun thing to deal with if you do some research. I wish him well and hope he can see some daylight soon. Counseling and the right meds, and he should be able to live his years out fairly well. Doubtful it would be advisable to get back onto the big stage again though.

                    Originally posted by Roscoe337 View Post
                    One unfortunate thing... I learned from some of my guys who were athletes and martial artists, is that the meds really take it out of you. Very hard to train when antipsychotics come into the picture.
                    Yep, exactly. That's why I said he should just call it a career.


                    • #90
                      Originally posted by joe strong View Post
                      He likes to party. It is not new to anyone here. He goes to raves, likes clubbing & well he like to do drugs. He will get stripped of his belts. I love all the conspiracy junkies here. Probably never done coke or any other drug before. There is nothing wrong with that but I doubt the same people have really done anything in their lives other then post here on BS. He isn't the first boxer to fail for *******. Mike Tyson failed for coke & weed I believe. It wouldn't surprise me if he fails for opiates & MDMA. All his haters can rejoice & move on now. He will be stripped. It must suck for Klitschko to know he lost to a foul mouthed fat drug addict... Time to hang it up...

                      Originally posted by Tom Cruise View Post
                      The negative effects of taking ******* regularly enough to lose significant weight will massively outweigh any positives. Fight night it could help. But its getting caught quickly and easily by post fight testing

                      This isnt PED use. He's just a ****ing moron who has cost himself the HW championship and millions and millions of pounds for potential Klitshcko II, Wilder and Joshua fights.
                      Well said, everything...

