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Comments Thread For: Povetkin Tests Positive For Meldonium, Wilder Title Off

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  • #21
    wilder should just take a nice % of his purse and still knock him out


    • #22
      Damn! I thought it was only blacks and Mexicans. Welcome to the club Russia.


      • #23
        Originally posted by CatchweightKing View Post
        wilder should just take a nice % of his purse and still knock him out
        Wilder already got a nice percentage ($5.4m) this is probably the biggest financial L he will ever take.

        Imo the fight shouldn't go ahead, you can't fail a test at HW and have the bout sanctioned. What happens if Povetkin wins, a PED world champion? nah. Worse, what if Wilder is badly hurt? WBC can't allow it imo.


        • #24
          The same people who said Wilder wouldn't go to Russia to fight are the same people who said Wilder was ducking when he called out Povetkin for being on steroids last year. The usual cast of characters on here that are always wrong


          • #25
            Originally posted by Weebler I View Post

            I dunno, it's only recently banned but if he took at after March 1st this year then he has no excuses.
            Is that all they did? If you tested positive when this ***xxxy mfing tennis girl did you good? After that you effed up?

            I thought they were looking into it more cuz it was a lil odd how they did this one. They seemed to just discover a lot of athletes were on it & decided they must know something we don't & banned it. I'd like to believe more science went into banning something, but maybe that just isn't how it works.


            • #26
              Meldonium is like a candy in Russia. VADA 365 program gonna catch a lot of fighters.


              • #27
                Povetkin probably planned to use it to battle fatigue against Wilder, unless he actually has a heart condition. It's funny how the cheaters never think they'll get caught, even when they KNOW they'll be tested. What a boob!



                • #28
                  Originally posted by Weebler I View Post
                  Wilder already got a nice percentage ($5.4m) this is probably the biggest financial L he will ever take.

                  Imo the fight shouldn't go ahead, you can't fail a test at HW and have the bout sanctioned. What happens if Povetkin wins, a PED world champion? nah.
                  its russia doe.. the fight will still go on.. vada cant cancel a fight


                  • #29
                    Originally posted by SUBZER0ED View Post
                    Povetkin probably planned to use it to battle fatigue against Wilder, unless he actually has a heart condition. It's funny how the cheaters never think they'll get caught, even when they KNOW they'll be tested. What a boob!

                    meldonium gives sufferers of heart and circulatory conditions more “physical capacity and mental function” — and a similar boost to healthy people. Meldonium was banned because it aids oxygen uptake and endurance."

                    its not a ped doe.. they just have bad hearts in russia


                    • #30
                      Originally posted by SUBZER0ED View Post
                      Povetkin probably planned to use it to battle fatigue against Wilder, unless he actually has a heart condition. It's funny how the cheaters never think they'll get caught, even when they KNOW they'll be tested. What a boob!

                      Meldonium was only banned a few months ago and can stay in your system detectable for months... Before that it was considered a legal supplement or whatever. Probably he's been taking it long term and it stayed in his system post-ban.

                      Have a feeling they'll make some sort of exemption for this

