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925,000 PPV Buys for Mayhem (Floyd V Maidana 2)

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  • #21
    Originally posted by Beater_of_ass View Post
    How did more people actually buy this? Floyd certainly knows how to market himself to really uneducated people.
    50 (Reading)
    Ray Rice
    Shantel Jackson

    and Showtime put the icing on the cake when trying to make the first fight seem close enough to warrant a rematch.


    • #22
      How many did they have to sell for Showtime to break even?


      • #23
        "Floyd is a guaranteed milly no matter who he fights"



        • #24
          Originally posted by Freedom2014 View Post
          They say there's a sucker born every minute.
          wise words about big dunn homie, lol, he truly is a sukker, lol, that guy is the biggest dilusional clown on nsb right now, he might be related to larry x for all i know, lol


          • #25
            Originally posted by Sumthang bit me View Post
            "Floyd is a guaranteed milly no matter who he fights"

            All you talk about is Floyd lol. Don't you get tired?


            • #26
              Originally posted by Beater_of_ass View Post
              You do realize that the number is still bad considering Showtime still lost money on that fight. They barely covered Floyd's purse and have nothing left for anyone else.
              Fair post. Honestly, I think it isn't total ppv sales but PPv's and movie theatre tickets combined. I didn't think it would do more than 800-850k in the poll.

              But IF it's just PPV sales and the movie theatre revenue hasn't been counted-then they may have done well.

              Your point about uneducated people is really ******. You know it was mainstream America (ie white, middle class) that accounts for PPV sales. Those fans gravitate toward a character like Floyd and they enjoy his fights.

              Is what it is.


              • #27

                Originally posted by Beater_of_ass View Post
                You do realize that the number is still bad considering Showtime still lost money on that fight. They barely covered Floyd's purse and have nothing left for anyone else.

                How would you know, 925k at an average of 70 gives you 65M, take half, thats 32.5, that covers floyds check, now factor in gate (at least 10M) and closed circuit (not sure), I'm sure Showtime broke even on it, worst case slightly under.

                But no one knows how the deal is structured, does Showtime get a cut of gate until they break even, closed circuit, movie ticket sales etc...


                • #28
                  That's 925,000 people who were dis-satisfied (to put it mildly..not to offend Floyd worshipers).

                  That's 925,000 who saw Floyd running/hugging live after paying $70-80, round 12 was amazing. It would be an amazing marketing/promotional achievement for Showtime if they managed to equal/top these numbers in Floyd's next PPV.


                  • #29
                    Originally posted by -MAKAVELLI- View Post
                    you know you're an assh0le when you refer to yourself in the 3rd person
                    Saltavelli, calm down. all that salt is bad for your blood pressure.


                    • #30
                      Be prepared for Floyd worshipers using these PPV numbers from one of Floyd's most boring performances in their arguments against Pacquiao.

