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If Floyd hates Bob, wouldn't beating Pac long ago stopped him earning more money?

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  • Originally posted by cjgrey View Post
    Floyd may be a racist POS, with terrible judgment when it comes to the character of women he chooses for his entourage, but he is very smart in his business dealings.

    Pacquiao is a slimy politician POS, behind his BS good guy act, he is a dishonorable scumbag.

    You don't know the industry. Try boxing in real life, then meeting some people in the Las Vegas boxing world, before you throw out your ignorant misconceptions.

    Mayweather may be an abrasive, douchebag racist, but Arum, Roach, and Pacquiao are the sleaziest motherfyckers period.

    Pacquiao deserves exactly what Floyd is willing to pay him now. Otherwise, he can figure out how to pay $68 million in taxes for the rest of his life.
    I dunno, it's not an MBA course, I don't give a **** about their business acumen. It's not an ethics course either but I appreciate that Pac was the runaway winner in the NSB Biggest gentleman in boxing poll.


    • Originally posted by cjgrey View Post
      The question now is, does Pacquiao want to make real progress paying off tmhis tax debt?

      If yes, he needs to finish his Top Rank contract, beg Floyd for the fight, and be thankful for any scraps thrown his way. And cut out all the scumbag shlt he and Roach have pulled in the past.

      Otherwise, he can rot his way into prison for tax evasion. The Filipinos may sweat his balls for boxing, but they will not vote his dumbass into office for president, when he can't even manage his own finances. His prospects are bleak.
      Again, doesn't make it a good offer he passed on. Things change. Holyfield wouldn't get out of bed for $1m in his prime. He'd go fight in bumfcuk Siberia now for half that. You just keep backtracking


      • Originally posted by cjgrey View Post
        The fact that you are a non-athlete matters because any boxer can tell you Juan was very much in shape to fight there. Could he have been better? Yes, but he was not "out of shape" by any means.

        Contrary to what you think, having the lowest body fat percentage possible is not good for boxing. Too low and you won't have back up energy for the second half of the fight.

        Again, you wouldn't know that because you don't fight.
        Oh man, I was just kidding about love handles being the ticket to success, but wouldn't you know, this backtracking flo mo took that and ran with it


        • Originally posted by HeroBando View Post
          Oh man, I was just kidding about love handles being the ticket to success, but wouldn't you know, this backtracking flo mo took that and ran with it
          I am the furthest thing from a Floyd fan (or even a fan, for that matter).

          The difference between you and I is that I know the industry.

          $40 million was ALWAYS a good offer to Pacquiao because Floyd's best PPV was 2.44 million with Oscar.

          Pacquiao's best was 1.45 million with Marquez.

          That is a million PPVs in difference.

          Floyd just did similar numbers again with Canelo.

          You may argue that Pacquiao could have done similar numbers in the same situation, but the fact is, Pacquiao's PPV with Oscar only did 1.25 million. If Pacquiao is actually capable of breaking 2 million buys, he should have done it already. He is simply not on the same level, deserves 65:35 IMO.


          • Originally posted by HeroBando View Post
            It's not an ethics course either but I appreciate that Pac was the runaway winner in the NSB Biggest gentleman in boxing poll.
            BS public nice guy act.

            And no, it's not an ethics course, but people judge Floyd's accomplishments based on his personality. The double standard = shyt.


            • Originally posted by cjgrey View Post

              The difference between you and I is that I know the industry.
              Playing Fight Night 04' on your dusty ass PS2 doesn't equal "knowing the industry", you non athlete nerd.


              • Originally posted by Mike D View Post
                Playing Fight Night 04' on your dusty ass PS2 doesn't equal "knowing the industry", you non athlete nerd.
                I don't own a TV or video games. I just work with industry data in a quantitative role. But I'm sure you know more.


                • Originally posted by cjgrey View Post
                  I don't own a TV or video games. I just work with industry data in a quantitative role. But I'm sure you know more.
                  You're a clown. Your posing ass is trying to talk down on other posters like you actually know ****, your "I'm in the business" **** and how you're some bad ass athlete, calling the other dude a "non-athlete", etc.

                  Yet your ****** ass is using Floyd Mayweather knuckle degradation when he was a motherf**king toddler as a point and using it as fact. STFU, moron. Were you there watching Floyd box and work the mitts when he was three (lmfao)? Do you have x-ray proof of his alleged knuckle degradation? You're an idiot. You're just throwing **** against the wall and hoping it sticks and then when you get called out for being a ****** you bust out your fake ass "I'm in the business and an athlete" card.

                  Get the f**k outta here. F**king dork.


                  • Originally posted by Mike D View Post
                    You're a clown. Your posing ass is trying to talk down on other posters like you actually know ****, your "I'm in the business" **** and how you're some bad ass athlete, calling the other dude a "non-athlete", etc.

                    Yet your ****** ass is using Floyd Mayweather knuckle degradation when he was a motherf**king toddler as a point and using it as fact. STFU, moron. Were you there watching Floyd box and work the mitts when he was three (lmfao)? Do you have x-ray proof of his alleged knuckle degradation? You're an idiot. You're just throwing **** against the wall and hoping it sticks and then when you get called out for being a ****** you bust out your fake ass "I'm in the business and an athlete" card.

                    Get the f**k outta here. F**king dork.
                    It's not just boxers. Many child prodigies in sports (swimming, gymnastics, tennis, etc.) burn out because training so intensely at a young age wears out their joints.

                    Floyd's camp has mentioned many times, it was the early training that led to the joint degradation. But maybe they're lying. Maybe Floyd is just genetically inferior and has a predilection for "brittle knuckle syndrome" lol.

                    Or maybe, they're not lying, and they just don't know Floyd has "brittle knuckle syndrome"...

                    But I'm quite certain that The early childhood training is a reasonable explanation for his hand problems. Just like I'm pretty sure you're an idiot, and responding further would be a waste of time, since any logical person can read the previous posts and see how ****** you are.


                    • Originally posted by -Huey- View Post
                      Fight will never happen unless Pacquiao gets over his fear of needles.
                      Fight will never happen unless Floyd gets over his fear of Manny.

                      corrected for u

