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If Floyd hates Bob, wouldn't beating Pac long ago stopped him earning more money?

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  • #91
    Originally posted by cjgrey View Post
    And now Pacquiao is broke, he has terribly mismanaged his life and finances due to ******ity, and deserves everything that is happening to him.

    If he weren't such a slimy politician in the way he has manipulated public opinion since the Oscar fight, maybe it would be easier to sympathize with his current failures.
    That doesn't make the offer any less of a non starter. I mean, like you said Floyd is kind of a ****** POS, should he have to take a terrible offer?


    • #92
      If Floyd hates Bob, wouldn't beating Pac long ago stopped him earning more money?

      yes. But...Floyd knew then what he knows now. He Cant!


      • #93
        Originally posted by HeroBando View Post
        Love handles, the winning formula
        You are reaching there. Again, non-athlete. Juan has very defined abs there, and your bodybuilder fetishing ass thinks "love handles."


        • #94
          Originally posted by HeroBando View Post
          I thought he did pay someone off? That's why it took them 10+ years and a change in management.

          But regardless, paying someone off is a crime. Signing a no disclosure clause is not. They'd be acting completely legally by only disclosing the results to their employer, Floyd. It's not like they keep in touch with the local commission, everything gets funneled through the promoter
          USADA is not covering for Floyd. You don't know the industry.

          Yes, Floyd's team stonewalled Pacquiao's team. Why would they concede something to the enemy if they didn't have to?


          • #95
            Originally posted by cjgrey View Post
            You are reaching there. Again, non-athlete. Juan has very defined abs there, and your bodybuilder fetishing ass thinks "love handles."
            That's a really ****** gimmick. You mean to tell me you can't hold an argument. Don't have to, I got it


            • #96
              Originally posted by HeroBando View Post
              That doesn't make the offer any less of a non starter. I mean, like you said Floyd is kind of a ****** POS, should he have to take a terrible offer?
              Floyd may be a racist POS, with terrible judgment when it comes to the character of women he chooses for his entourage, but he is very smart in his business dealings.

              Pacquiao is a slimy politician POS, behind his BS good guy act, he is a dishonorable scumbag.

              You don't know the industry. Try boxing in real life, then meeting some people in the Las Vegas boxing world, before you throw out your ignorant misconceptions.

              Mayweather may be an abrasive, douchebag racist, but Arum, Roach, and Pacquiao are the sleaziest motherfyckers period.

              Pacquiao deserves exactly what Floyd is willing to pay him now. Otherwise, he can figure out how to pay $68 million in taxes for the rest of his life.


              • #97
                Originally posted by HeroBando View Post
                That's a really ****** gimmick. You mean to tell me you can't hold an argument. Don't have to, I got it
                The fact that you are a non-athlete matters because any boxer can tell you Juan was very much in shape to fight there. Could he have been better? Yes, but he was not "out of shape" by any means.

                Contrary to what you think, having the lowest body fat percentage possible is not good for boxing. Too low and you won't have back up energy for the second half of the fight.

                Again, you wouldn't know that because you don't fight.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by HeroBando View Post
                  That doesn't make the offer any less of a non starter. I mean, like you said Floyd is kind of a ****** POS, should he have to take a terrible offer?
                  The question now is, does Pacquiao want to make real progress paying off tmhis tax debt?

                  If yes, he needs to finish his Top Rank contract, beg Floyd for the fight, and be thankful for any scraps thrown his way. And cut out all the scumbag shlt he and Roach have pulled in the past.

                  Otherwise, he can rot his way into prison for tax evasion. The Filipinos may sweat his balls for boxing, but they will not vote his dumbass into office for president, when he can't even manage his own finances. His prospects are bleak.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Slip Stream View Post
                    Stadium? Hell it should be a big top, Arum is a modern day P.T. Barnum and Pacquiao is nothing more than a witless animal in his menagerie.
                    Yep and the Pac.tards are the clowns in Arum's three ring circus...


                    • Originally posted by cjgrey View Post
                      Again, Floyd made a CONCESSION to the #2 PPV draw regarding $10 million / pound. That was generous as ****. All he asked in return was that both competitors get the best PED testing possible.

                      Pacquiao's answer should have been yes.

                      Why would Pacquiao refuse the testing in the beginning when he already won a concession from Floyd?

                      Anyone with half a brain can see, only an actual roider would refuse the test in that situation. Pacquiao had no excuse to duck the test and the fight, except if he was afraid he could not beat Floyd without PEDs.

                      It's all a lie.

                      Now watch as this goes right over the Pac.tards heads...

