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Margarito cheated at first cotto fight?

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  • #11
    So all the lab tests were bogus and he was!!!


    • #12
      No. Sorry. He didnt!


      • #13
        Originally posted by Money Team. View Post
        So he was suspended due to that evidence???wow amazing
        Originally posted by Money Team. View Post
        So all the lab tests were bogus and he was!!!
        "Margarito cheated at the first fight with Cotto"

        what evidence is there that he cheated against COTTO? I understand that your dyslexia might prohibit you from comprehending simple reading, but maybe you'll understand this. If you show me an article that states that Margarito got suspended for "cheating" against Cotto i'll send you
        5 Quadrillion points. If you can't you send me all of yours.



        • #14
          to margs fans he didn't cheat, in fact, to margs fans, it was tito that got suspended for what marg did.


          • #15
            Man HE was to good for his time so they had to find a away to steal his prime.


            • #16
              c' mon guys just beacause he is a hourse-head suspacted ***get fraud it doesn't mean he did cheat..


              • #17
                Originally posted by THE NAMELESS View Post
                i find no evidance on first fight..he might but he might not..
                so..what makes you so sure he cheated at first fight?
                What makes us think that he cheated Cotto is that he was caught trying to get away with plaster of Paris ingredients on his gauze against Shane, and Margarito and his trainer were caught and suspended.

                To think that he would only try this in his first high profile fight is just suspect. To be honest, he may have been doing this before the Cotto fight. Do we have any proof of this? Nope. Capetillo and Margarito made everyone second guess Margarito's career with this incident.

                Margarito, Capetillo tainted for life
                April, 3, 2009
                AM ET
                By Dan Rafael |
                Your weekly random thoughts ...

                So now what do we do with Antonio Margarito and trainer Javier Capetillo in the wake of the disclosure that the hand wraps seized by the California State Athletic Commission prior Margarcheato's fight with Shane Mosley in January tested positive for the primary elements of plaster of paris, namely sulfur and calcium?

                Margarcheato and Capetillo are both already banned from boxing in the U.S. for at least a year after California revoked both of their licenses. It's not long enough.

                According to California's forensic evidence, they committed the mortal sin of boxing by attempting to cheat in such a potentially life-threatening manner.

                Maybe they will appeal. Maybe they will still seek to have a fight outside of the U.S., such as Mexico, where officials couldn't give a damn about our rules. Whatever happens, they are both tarnished for life and deserve an even more severe punishment than has already been doled out.

                Now, I am no scientist but I do know that having plaster of paris on your fists during a fight would certainly be extremely dangerous for an opponent. A boxer's hands are already dangerous enough. Turning them into rocks is a chilling thought. Sulfur and calcium simply do not belong anywhere near hand wraps. That they were there can be no accident.

                Margarcheato can claim all he wants that he had no idea what was in his wraps, which means, at best, he's ignorant. At worst, he's a criminal. I've talked to numerous fighters since the incident. To a man, they told me that a fighter knows what is on his hands.

                Capetillo has offered the pitiful excuse that he grabbed the wrong pads out of his work bag and that it was a "mistake" that he put the tainted pads into Margarcheato wraps. I bet the dog also ate his homework, too. If you really believe it was a mistake, I've got some Enron stock to sell you.

                Why would Capetillo even have those sorts of dirty pads in the first place? The whole thing stinks.

                I know no proof has been offered, but it's hard to believe that Margarcheato's gloves were not loaded during his vicious late-fight beat down against Miguel Cotto over the summer. Frankly, I believe he cheated against Cotto. Maybe he also cheated against others. Every one of his wins is now tainted.

                Cotto feels the same way, telling El Nuevo Diaz in Puerto Rico, "They attacked not only me, but my health. God only know how many [times] they used it, with Mosley, me and before me. They must bear the full weight of the law. During my career, I have received punishment in a number of fights, and I've never been so swollen as I was when I left the fight with Margarito. In the heat of battle everything felt normal, but my face didn't say the same thing. And for a few weeks afterwards half my face was swollen. Like I've said, the case of [trainer] Panama Lewis was exactly the same and he was suspended for life."

                Lewis wound up doing jail time for removing the padding from Luis Resto's gloves before his 1983 fight with Billy Collins. Resto also did time. Margarcheato and Capetillo should be thankful they're not behind bars.

                Dan Rafael
       boxing writer since 2005
                Writes pound-for-pound rankings
                Five years at USA Today
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                • #18
                  Originally posted by Money Team. View Post
                  So all the lab tests were bogus and he was!!!
                  Ontop that they claim he's so innocent yet he never filed a appeal for his ban. Wonder why?

                  Anyway. End of the day what's done is done. But let's be real

                  Margs record after he's got caught .. 1-3? Retired..

                  And if it wasn't for Arum, Margarito would've been behind bars or perm banned. Arum didn't want a potential cash cow tobe banned at the time. Margarita is ****ing lucky he got a slap on the wrist with the year ban, very lucky.


                  • #19
                    Cotto and Floyd are men. They will fight you any way that you want to fight. Margarito and Pac's knocked the **** out ass need you to stand in front of them. They don't need plaster or PEDS. Pac didn't want to be tested, and Margarito attempted to use P.o.P ingredients. God was watching. Look at those two now. #*****azzes


                    • #20
                      Cotto himself said after the second fight "his punches felt the same"

                      Posted from App for Android

