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Comments Thread For: Garcia: Drug Testing Isn’t Because of Matthysse Himself

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  • Comments Thread For: Garcia: Drug Testing Isn’t Because of Matthysse Himself

    Danny Garcia says the additional drug testing being done for his upcoming fight against Lucas Matthysse isn’t based on specific concerns about his opponent.

    “It doesn’t matter who I fight, it’s just something I feel needs to be done if you want to be the champion,” Garcia said on an Aug. 14 media conference call. “I just want a clean fight, and that’s it. It has nothing to do with Lucas Matthysse. It’s just what I do.”

    Garcia noted that testing (which has been done by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency) has been done for his past few fights beyond that which is conducted by the state athletic commissions. USADA testing for Garcia’s rematch with Erik Morales in October 2012 resulted in Morales testing positive before the bout for the banned substance clenbuterol. The New York State Athletic Commission and Golden Boy Promotions still went forward with that fight, which resulted in Garcia knocking Morales out in four rounds. [Click Here To Read More]

  • #2
    Was there drug testing for Judah? I'm not trying to be a smartass, I honestly don't know.


    • #3
      How dare a fighter ask for a clean fight. Fuccin scum bag.


      • #4
        Garcia, it wouldn't have mattered if you said you wanted testing strictly because you think Matthysse might be cheating. Better safe than sorry.


        • #5
          I bet Matthysse does it no problem, so who cares?


          • #6
            Garica is a fu**ing Coward. Lucas is knocking people out left and right......thats why he's demanding a test. He didn't go this hard against zab judah for testing at all..... #FactsOnly


            • #7

              It's obvious, once these dudes feel threatened they pretty much insinuate that the opponent has been on PED's and ask for more strenuous testing..

              I'm not opposed to anti-doping testing, but these guys are showing their true colors when they ask for the "extra testing to be sure it's an even playing field" all of sudden..

              Broner didn't ask for further testing from Malignaggi, but I'm sure once the Maidana fight gets signed..he's going to automatically become a "supporter" of olympic-style testing.


              • #8
                Originally posted by citynation View Post
                Garica is a fu**ing Coward. Lucas is knocking people out left and right......thats why he's demanding a test. He didn't go this hard against zab judah for testing at all..... #FactsOnly
                You don't know shit about when to appropriately use hash tags.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by .WaRCoTTo. View Post

                  It's obvious, once these dudes feel threatened they pretty much insinuate that the opponent has been on PED's and ask for more strenuous testing..

                  I'm not opposed to anti-doping testing, but these guys are showing their true colors when they ask for the "extra testing to be sure it's an even playing field" all of sudden..

                  Broner didn't ask for further testing from Malignaggi, but I'm sure once the Maidana fight gets signed..he's going to automatically become a "supporter" of olympic-style testing.
                  Angel Garcia has been demanding random testing ever since the Amir Khan fight. He's gone on record saying that every fight Danny has will be using USADA.


                  • #10
                    I fully agree with Danny with this one -- USADA and WADA drug testing should be mandatory for all fighters. I don't understand why only the athletes are forced to take these tests and the pro basketball players aren't...

