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I usually don't make Mayweather threads, but....

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Dr Rumack View Post
    A vague whine about people being too harsh on Floyd is a positive contribution to the forum is it? You know there are plenty of threads around here where people offer detailed technical analysis of fights and fighters and in those you always see people fully appreciate Mayweather's ability and his performances against different types of opponents.

    And then there are threads like this one, several of them every day that contribute nothing more than endless fanboy whinging about how other people don't love some fighter like they do. The fact that you try to give yourself a pat on the back for it is hilarious.
    You know what's hilarious? That I don't see you in the Mayweather hate threads ripping apart the people starting them.

    And, I have NEVER started a thread like this. And I've been on this site a long time.

    I could make ten threads about "Mayweather's ability and perfomances" and you'd be in every one of them calling me a fanboy.

    Go. Away.


    • #32
      i'm a mayweather fan whether i like it or not.

      Only thing i criticize him for is the pac man fight. Such a shame it didn't happen.


      • #33
        Originally posted by johnm is... View Post
        Jesus Christ, this guy gets crucified on here for things that other guys get a pass for.

        Guerrero can move up to 147, win a belt, and Mayweather isn't supposed to fight him because he's "too small." Despite the fact that Mayweather isn't big to start with.

        Mayweather wins a title at 154, he has to fight Canelo (miraculously, Mayweather isn't "too small" in this situation). He is also supposed to fight Martinez, another fight where Floyd isn't "too small."

        Mayweather is said to be "ducking" Canelo, because Canelo made a silly demand, and acted like a diva. Nevermind the fact that Canelo makes a (damn good) living off of avoiding top opposition.

        Mayweather acts like a diva, and makes a silly demand, and guess what? Mayweather's ducking again.

        Pacquiao wins a vacant title (at a catchweight of 150) and is praised, never expected to defend the title against a legit 154lber.

        I could go on, obviously, but I think you get it.

        Call it whatever you want, but it's the reason that with every day that passes, people take this place less and less serious.
        It is because Mayweather is held to higher standards than anyone else in boxing. Many people don't like him so anything he does, is always picked apart regardless if everyone else is doing the exact same thing.

        Same **** different restroom!
        Last edited by WESS; 02-27-2013, 06:52 PM.


        • #34
          I think its a little revitionist to say Pac didnt get hate for picking up a title 154 (i say that in the loosest terms) and not defending it against 154lbers. Probably not to the scale of Floyd but then Pac never went to the full limit.

          I think also it is reasonable for fans to want to see Floyd in the toughest winnable fights he can be in. If those fights are at 154 (a division he holds a title at and is no.1 ranked in) then thats where we will want him to fight.

          It is indeed a testament to his skill that he will be competitive at154, and as a fan i want to see his skill tested to the max.

          Equally if he doesnt intend to fight at 154 then drop the belt and the ranking because its clogging up the division.

          im ok with Guerrero (i think its a much tougher fight at this stage in Floyds career than people are giving credit for), and also think Martinez is too big.


          • #35
            Floyd and his team believe that they can beat anybody from 140 to 160. Why not call him out on it??

            "Floyd could beat any of them guys, from 140 to 147 and from 154 to 160," Ellerbe said. "I didn't say he was fighting at [middleweight], just that he could beat all them guys in those weights. We'll see what he chooses to do."

            If Floyd can beat Martinez or Canelo, then why not fight them?


            • #36
              I've been on this board for many years, regardless of what my join date says. Hating Floyd is a waste of time, and a waste of energy. Just appreciate what he does in the ring.

              I've come to the conclusion that hating Floyd is like hating boxing. Marinate on that for a moment. He brings the highest technical degree of difficulty in each and everyone of his fights. NO FIGHTERS are doing what he does, and NO FIGHTERS can do what he does.

              Appreciate him while he's here. Doesn't mean you have to go full on Flowmo, doesn't mean you have to go full on hater. Just appreciate his skills.


              • #37
                Originally posted by hugh grant View Post
                Floyd can do no right? Well if he thought fighting once every 2 years was going to impress people he was given bad advice. With that kind of schedule he is trying to do as little right as he can possibly get away with.

                He is trolling and intentionally trying to wind people up.
                Good luck in this thread.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by The Gambler1981 View Post
                  And you are whining about his take, so what does that make you~
                  I'm offering a counter argument in direct response to a reply. I'm not starting a thread complaining about it, making points that are made on this board every single day, and in almost every thread that concerns Mayweather.

                  Here's a newsflash, Mayweather had the highest media profile of any fighter in the sport, he is almost universally regarded as P4P No.1 (even if Ward is gaining ground), and is a guy who deliberately adopts an obnoxious public persona.

                  Not everyone is going to like him.

                  A lot of people wouldn't like him even if he wasn't playing the Money Mayweather role.

                  This isn't weird, this is normal. This is part of sports discussion everywhere. The biggest stars get the most attention, and get the most criticism as well. The more gushing the praise they get the more stringent their criticism tends to be too.

                  The endless moaning about this fact is one of the really weak elements of this forum. Fanboys getting emotional over their hero not being universally loved. Well they're in for a tough time of it because it's not going to change anytime soon, no matter how many 'Why don't people love Floyd like I do' threads they start.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Still Blazin View Post
                    I had to read this 3 times. And I still don't think someone can be this ******.
                    He is... it's sad.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Shadow boxer 3 View Post
                      so your deep hatred for Floyd all stems from him not fighting often enough ??
                      Nah little Huey has deep hatered because Floyd KOed his hero Hatton , he would talk Hatton up and crucify Floyd with all the same Floyd is scared and Hatton will run him, over , just like today , after Hatton flunked out huey went into hiding to get over his depression , then Manny came along , the next big Floyd killer and little Huey found a new ship to jump on , now Manny has sunk its Canelo then Martinez , every time this kids hero goes down he hates Floyd more .

                      For some weired reason the masses hate a c***y winner , but they love a sorry ass loser lol , Ive always believed if you can walk the walk you have a right to talk the talk , I also reckon that when you have millions watching 2 , those 2 are pretty special and it makes me laugh to see the kid haters in here , most will be lifes failures and they hate on lifes winners , I guess its because haters are losers , Ive never know a hater that was a winner himself .

