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Disappointed in all the hate, and lack of respect.

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  • Originally posted by joseph5620 View Post
    Yet when Victor Ortiz hit Mayweather with his head you thought it was funny enough to make a gif out it. While calling it a great shot wishing he had broken Mayweather's nose. As we speak, there are avatars with Andre Berto's damaged face but I didn't see any complaining from you about that.So stop with this your phony self righteous act. You're as "brain dead" and ****** and any of the other fanatics on both sides of the issue. The fact that you're still bitter about Ricky Hatton's shortcomings is proof of that.
    I can't even make gifs you imbecile, let alone do all that.

    If taking joy in comatose fighters is really the sort of person you* are then you don't respect the fighters or the sport, you're not a true boxing fan and you shouldn't pretend to be one.

    *'you' being a general term, not you personally.

    I'll tell you something else, I wouldn't and won't be making some pathetic picture of Mayweather if or when he gets knocked out either. I even felt bad for him when he walked back to his corner embarrassed after Mosley rocked him- because guess what - it's human nature, but some of you must have missed that input growing up.

    Whatever, it's a reflection on you. Not my problem.


    • i don't think it is cool, to clown a cat, who was pretty much laid out cold and unresponsive...karma?..that ain't it...this was two prideful cats who knew each other like bookends in the ring...two sportsmen...both should be commended for saving whats left of the sport of boxing...


      • Originally posted by ddangerous View Post
        I posted this yesterday and have had a lot of folks hitting me up because they share my sentiments, so I decided to post a thread about it because I felt it is a good point of discussion.
        I fully agree. Pac is an ATG (as well as Marquez) who has continued to give us great fights and deserves respect. I never wanted to see Pac or Marquez get stopped in that fashion.

        And, these horrible fans are the reason most boxers don't visit forums or boxing websites. It's bad for them to see that kind of talk.


        • Originally posted by BIGBOXINGFAN View Post
          Put yourself in that humanity category. you are a hypocrite because you can't like a great Ko, and pay to see a great ko, then turn around and say you feel bad for the loser.

          If you care so much......write a letter to ALL the fighters in the world and tell them don't fight and risk your life in a ring. Then keep your money and stop watching and paying for boxing events.

          How can a person spend money to watch two men beat each others brains out while cheering the action on.....but once one fighter gets ko'd you turn into a pastor of a church?

          Boxing is a blood sport.. It's an animalistic sport.
          It's the animalistic ways inside of boxing fans that make us wanna see blood, ko's, knock downs, etc.

          Your just like all boxing fans......stop
          It is also still a civilized fighting sport. I, for one, don't want to revisit Ancient Greece or not allow refs to continue stopping fights if a boxer is taking too much punishment, etc...

          Originally posted by Mr. Philadel View Post
          man this is so lame....dudes complaining about other dudes having fun with a knockout of a fighter who is very popular in a high profile scrap?!?...c'mon man, this can't be real...smh...this is NSB where one of the most skilled fighters of any era is called a coward and chicken....where the oldest man to EVER win a major boxing championship is called everything but a great fighter....the place where a trainer who suffers from diabetes and probably some other illness not made public is called a crackhead....the place where warriors like Cotto and Ortiz get rode constantly for having moments of weakness and artist like Devon Alexander and Andre Ward get slammed for NOT taking their art on the road....the place where the most dominant HW's of this era get called everything but GREAT role models and above average fighters who would've been a force in any era

          welcome to ground zero...hard hats required!!!
          I agree with a lot of good points you've made here. Especially regarding hate towards other high profile boxers. But this ^^^ is exactly why I started this thread discussion because this kind of hate shouldn't be going on against any fighter, Pacquiao and the likes of those above you mentioned.


          • Originally posted by Big Dunn View Post
            the thing about those posters and me-we like boxing and we like floyd. we just don't have to pretend otherwise like you do. at least the pac boys and hugh grants of the world are honest about how they feel. you aren't even man enough to do that.
            If I was a fan of Manny's I wouldnt have a problem saying so, but I'm not so I dont. I dont feel anything about Manny other than acknowledging the fact he is a great fighter, one of many. You make yourself look exactly as my description say's when you have the brass neck to say that you and the yesir's of this world like boxing and floyd!


            • Originally posted by The Weebler II View Post
              I can't even make gifs you imbecile, let alone do all that.

              If taking joy in comatose fighters is really the sort of person you* are then you don't respect the fighters or the sport, you're not a true boxing fan and you shouldn't pretend to be one.

              *'you' being a general term, not you personally.

              I'll tell you something else, I wouldn't and won't be making some pathetic picture of Mayweather if or when he gets knocked out either. I even felt bad for him when he walked back to his corner embarrassed after Mosley rocked him- because guess what - it's human nature, but some of you must have missed that input growing up.

              Whatever, it's a reflection on you. Not my problem.
              LOL Anybody can post a gif. Even you. You never complained about this until now which is my point that you are a phony with an agenda. And a liar too. You felt bad for Floyd in the Mosley fight? That's some serious BS.
              Last edited by joseph5620; 12-10-2012, 03:05 PM.


              • Originally posted by DeadLikeMe View Post
                Seriously. Posters that rocked that thing in tagalog for years are on here now saying "oh but it is disrespectful to manny." It really just proves they never gave a damn about the sport. All they cared about was fighters the same skin color as them and an insane amount of unjustified nationalism.
                Preach brother preach!


                • pacquiao fan here, i see no problem with it.

                  the way he got KTFO and the social media/internet age and all the trappings that go along with it, this is to be expected.

                  This is what awaits any athlete/celebrity caught in any compromising position from here on out.

                  WELCOME TO THE INTERNET AGE.


                  • Originally posted by DTMB View Post
                    pacquiao fan here, i see no problem with it.

                    the way he got KTFO and the social media/internet age and all the trappings that go along with it, this is to be expected.

                    This is what awaits any athlete/celebrity caught in any compromising position from here on out.

                    WELCOME TO THE INTERNET AGE.

                    its bound to happened. i meant, it even happened to michael jackson when he died.


                    • No body was saying any of that **** when tags of Margaritos broken orbital bone were posted everywhere as well a pictures making fun of his eye. Or the pictures of hatton sleeping. Paul williams got it pretty bad too. Welcome to the other side of the coin pac fans and cong****, you're boy made the highlight reel again only this time hes the guest of honor and not the host.
                      Last edited by Shogunofharlem1; 12-10-2012, 03:24 PM.

