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Martinez calls out Mayweather "I Will Crack Your Bones Like I Did To Chavez Jr"

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  • #71
    Originally posted by UglyPug View Post
    He outweighed Dzinziruk by 3-4 pounds, rehydrating to 170.

    Mate, Sergio has been fighting at 160 for what? the past 3 years? Why has he not taken any fights at 154? Why did he fight at 160 this whole time?

    Why did he not choose to keep his WBC belt at 154? Oh yeah, he was NOT "stripped" of his WBC belt at 160, he VACATED it in order to fight Dzinz (career 154 pounder) at 160 pounds for the "diamond belt." If he was a natural 154, WHY NOT fight Dzinz at 154 for his WBC belt? Which he cried about so much like the ***** he is?

    LOL, if you knew me, you'd know I'm actually a "Floyd-hater." I bash on Floyd all the time, more than I do Martinez. This hasnothing to do with me liking, or disliking FLoyd, or Martinez.

    This has to do with me being a REAL BOXING FAN who wants to guys fight guys their own size.

    If Sergio is too small to fight Ward, then by that same logic, FLoyd is too small to fight him, and he looks like an ass clown calling him out. ..

    Yeah, I know boxing is all about the money, but when you act like you're the "people's champ" like Martinez, who is "different' than that, I'm going to call you out.
    You do know that Ward has already stated that 168 is his ceiling and cannot go any lower than that. But Sergio, who is a small MW, is willing to come down 1 weight division to fight the WBA champion at 154 and you complaining. Some "Real Fan" you are.


    • #72
      but Sergio you dont get a fight with May with talking like that...even without the talk May dont wanna get near Martinez...with the talk its even worse...


      • #73
        Originally posted by UglyPug View Post
        What a badass Sergio is! Calling out a guy he'll outweigh by 20 pounds!!

        How about talking to GOLOVKIN like that? A guy your own size?

        But *****gio, will Mayweather in turn split your eye open, and splatter your ass across the canvas like Chavez did to you A GUY WHO HAS BEEN BOXING FOR 8 YEARS? Or will he leave you (LITERALLY) unconscious, in a slumped up heap on the ropes like Margarito did to you? Margarito is your PAPÍ. . . Floyd will be too if he fights you, despite you being so much bigger.

        Hahahahhaahah. . . Funny little phaggot Sergio is. . .
        Maybe because Martinez knows time isn't on his side and he would rather use his last few fights to try and make $$$ against Floyd than pennies against Golovkin?


        • #74
          Why dont you think the mayweathers are talking **** about Martinez ?

          Because he is a threat, a real big threat. Especially at this point in time.

          I wouldn't want to fight martinez if i were floyd. But it will be a duck if he does not accept the challenge. Floyd is the champion of that weight, end of.


          • #75
            Originally posted by Ring Leader View Post
            Floyd is a 154 lb champion right? Sergio is a 154 lb fighter FIGHTING at middleweight because thats where the fights were. And dont try to justify that Sergio is a true middleweight when you look at his size, at what point did sergio match or exceed his opponents size? Chavez vs Martinez looked like a heavyweight vs a light middleweight.

            You know floyd loses that fight so you dont want it. When Golovokin beats a legit opponent then he can get a crack at sergio
            This s a pointless discussion. You can make the same point for most fighters. "Martinez went up to mw because that's where the fights are so he's not a true mw. Well Floyd went up to jmw because that's where the fights were. He's a ww who's fought at jmw twice only. If Floyd can fight Martinez then Martinez can fight ward, if ward was willing to come down. If Martinez can fight Floyd then Floyd was ok fighting Marquez." There is no right answer. It's just how u look at it.

            This is a fight I wouldn't mind seeing but I can understand if it never happens. If people are cool with PAC saying he has limits and won't fight people that they feel are too big, why should it be any different for Floyd?


            • #76
              Sergio talks spanish with so much finesse and class, that even his threats sound pleasant. lol.


              • #77
                Originally posted by Mikel 45 View Post
                Why dont you think the mayweathers are talking **** about Martinez ?

                Because he is a threat, a real big threat. Especially at this point in time.

                I wouldn't want to fight martinez if i were floyd. But it will be a duck if he does not accept the challenge. Floyd is the champion of that weight, end of.

                Floyd Sr. sounds shook.


                • #78
                  Originally posted by PAC-BOY View Post
                  kinda like Floyd did JMM?
                  JMM called Floyd out, not the other way around.

                  Originally posted by Fetta View Post
                  You would think as "boxing fans" everyone would be excited about this fight but as usual on NSB there are always those who arent happy no matter who fights who.
                  I'm excited about this fight but it's not something that I think absolutely needs to happen (unlike Cotto vs Canelo for example). It's like a bonus track at the end of an album, if it's there : great! If not, fine.

                  Originally posted by bojangles1987 View Post
                  Don't get me wrong, I would love to see Sergio fight him, but come on. Moving down to fight Floyd at 154 is a bigger risk for Sergio than Golovkin.
                  I don't know, it's equally risky. Against Floyd, Martinez would have a puncher's chance and he wouldn't take a lot of punishment but his chances of outboxing Floyd are very low. On the other hand, I doubt he'd be able to hurt GGG but he can definitely outpoint him. And GGG would have a serious chance of knocking Martinez out.


                  • #79
                    Originally posted by The904star View Post
                    This s a pointless discussion. You can make the same point for most fighters. "Martinez went up to mw because that's where the fights are so he's not a true mw. Well Floyd went up to jmw because that's where the fights were. He's a ww who's fought at jmw twice only. If Floyd can fight Martinez then Martinez can fight ward, if ward was willing to come down. If Martinez can fight Floyd then Floyd was ok fighting Marquez." There is no right answer. It's just how u look at it.

                    This is a fight I wouldn't mind seeing but I can understand if it never happens. If people are cool with PAC saying he has limits and won't fight people that they feel are too big, why should it be any different for Floyd?
                    I agree with this. would i like to see the fight? Sure. But its not a fight that has to happen.


                    • #80
                      I don't know how anyone cannot be excited about this fight. As a Floyd fan since the '96 Olympics, this is THE fight that I want to see. An opponent as talented and skilled as Martinez will bring the best out of boxing's pound for pound king for the last 7-8 years. When was the last time Floyd had such a monumental challenge such as this? These are the kind of fights that seal legacies and increase your ranking on the P4P all time great list.

                      Martinez too big? C'mon son. We're talking a 10 pound size difference on fight night. Floyd will come in at 151, Martinez will come in about 160. Martinez is a perfectly conditioned athlete who's a small middleweight. Besides, Floyd's been at weight disadvantages before. This look familiar:

                      The weight difference between Floyd and Martinez would be no worse than Martinez vs. Chavez Jr.

                      Martinez is coming off a series of big wins, has headlined a PPV in front of a sold out arena with thousands of Argentinos in the audience. He fits the bill as a possible Mayweather opponent.

