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Comments Thread For: CSAC’s Dodd on Tarver vs Kayode No-Decision, Appeal

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  • Comments Thread For: CSAC’s Dodd on Tarver vs Kayode No-Decision, Appeal

    California State Athletic Commission Executive Officer George Dodd confirmed an earlier report this afternoon by that prior to his June 2 split draw with Lateef Kayode, cruiserweight Antonio Tarver tested positive for drostanolone, an anabolic steroid.

    [Click Here To Read More]

  • #2
    I didn't conduct the tests, I didn't oversee the tests, I didn't screen the employees who conducted the tests, I have no idea what anti-tampering protocols were in place, I have no idea who George Dodd is, I have no idea what his motives are...

    I've known Antonio Tarver for 10 years, and in those 10 years he has come off as respectful, respectable, honest, and honorable in every interaction that I have EVER had with him.

    So I'm going to go ahead and give him the benefit of the doubt. Just like we all deserve when accused of something.


    • #3
      Masteron, a steroid mainly used for cutting.
      Makes sense!


      • #4
        Originally posted by mushahadeen View Post
        I didn't conduct the tests, I didn't oversee the tests, I didn't screen the employees who conducted the tests, I have no idea what anti-tampering protocols were in place, I have no idea who George Dodd is, I have no idea what his motives are...

        I've known Antonio Tarver for 10 years, and in those 10 years he has come off as respectful, respectable, honest, and honorable in every interaction that I have EVER had with him.

        So I'm going to go ahead and give him the benefit of the doubt. Just like we all deserve when accused of something.
        Except Sergio Martinez, right?


        • #5
          Originally posted by mushahadeen View Post
          I didn't conduct the tests, I didn't oversee the tests, I didn't screen the employees who conducted the tests, I have no idea what anti-tampering protocols were in place, I have no idea who George Dodd is, I have no idea what his motives are...

          I've known Antonio Tarver for 10 years, and in those 10 years he has come off as respectful, respectable, honest, and honorable in every interaction that I have EVER had with him.

          So I'm going to go ahead and give him the benefit of the doubt. Just like we all deserve when accused of something.
          This makes it so much funnier seeing your sig.
          Also, watching a guy on the T.V for 10 years doesn't mean you knew them personally.


          • #6
            Holy chit. Could've knocked me over with a feather with that news.

            Something I found interesting though... when I looked up 'anabolic steroids', it said this in part.

            Anabolic-androgenic steroids are man-made substances related to male *** hormones. "Anabolic" refers to muscle-building, and "androgenic" refers to increased masculine characteristics. "Steroids" refers to the class of drugs. These drugs are available legally only by prescription, to treat conditions that occur when the body produces abnormally low amounts of testosterone, such as delayed puberty and some types of impotence.

            He could be taking something for, ermm uhh - male *** issues?

            On a side note - IF it is true and Tarver was using an anabolic steroid specifically to gain an advantage for himself for the fight..... he ought to get his money back. Seriously though, anybody who actually watched the fight could see that he looked anything BUT great. He appeared to have very little power on his punches IMO and seemed fairly gassed most of the way through. I remember while I was watching the fight actually saying "He's got nothing on his punches." And this is coming from someone who was routing for Tarver. I really, really, really wanted him to put it on Kayode. I just don't see why, as a veteran and possible future HOF (who knows anabolic steroids can be found easily through standard urine testing), would risk not only his credibility, respect and great deal of ridicule - but a high possiblity of losing the job that could've taken him long past his numbered days as a fighter. I don't claim to be anything close to any kind of expert, and I tread lightly when even discussing this type of subject on a forum like this, however.... TBH, there are several reasons why a man his age might take something with a steroid in it. Any kind of issue with breathing, such as asthma, anemia or even after getting bronchitus - many people are prescribed prednisone (a steroid used to suppress the immune system and inflammation). Also, prescriptions used for anti-inflammatory purposes for arthritus and even allergies (many nasal sprays have steroid ingredients in them), and cortisone injections which are commonly injected in to the soft tissue to reduce inflammation in the tendons, joints and skin. With Tarver's age and the nature of his job, it isn't hard to believe that he might be suffering from a number of these health issues.

            *** I'm not making or trying to create any excuses for Tarver, I'm only pointing out that AT THIS TIME we don't know enough about the situation to completely rule out something more innocent. It doesn't however rule out that no matter what... he should have known better and is ultimately responsible for whatever the outcome may be. ***


            • #7
              Is he still going to be calling the Ortiz fight?


              • #8
                Lol @ the $2500 fine

                What a joke. Weigh a pound over at weigh in, you lose 20%. Use steroids, lose .2%

