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Must Be Because All The Best Prospects Are in the NFL and NBA!

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  • #81
    Originally posted by D4thincarnation View Post
    And what makes you think almost every other countries is better. Infact it is worse in other countries.

    This theory that America is hard done by because athletes go into other sports is bogus, because, it is the same for every other country, and for most of those countries boxing takes more of a backseat than in America.
    Damn this is pure truth right here. People act like U.S. is the only country that other people go into sports into. Just imagine how many more Mexican boxers we would have if soccer wasn't popular in that country. I would give you green k but I've given too much in the last 24 hrs.


    • #82
      One needs only to watch the guys in NFL and NBA to see that they OBVIOUSLY could become effective heavyweights. I mean you cant disagree with that, those guys dont get to the highest level of the most popular sport in a country of 300 million by not having athletic prowess that can adapt to other sports especially boxing.

      edit: I dont mean they can jump right into boxing and be champs. I mean had they taken up boxing instead of football or basketball their athleticism could make them great boxers.

      I'm sure European and other countries lose big men to sports like rugby and stuff. But to say America doesnt lose talented big men to NFL and NBA is just downright wrong.
      Last edited by The Tornado; 01-25-2012, 12:33 PM.


      • #83
        Originally posted by New England View Post
        there are very few true HW playing european football
        most of them would box in the weight classes
        obviously their talents would add to the talent pool there, but we are talking exclusively about the HW division

        the guys in the NBA average 6'9" (taller than vitali klitscko)

        in the nfl they average 265 lbs

        thats the argument
        if you dont get it you havnt been around the sports enough
        that's where the talented big men in the united states are.

        key word BIG

        european football and soccer is probably the largest collection of athletic talent on the planet. i agree with you.
        they are not exclusively HW

        in the NFL and the NBA the guys are almost exclusively HW

        christ this gets old
        what the hell dont you guys get?

        show me your sports that soak up purely HW athletic talent from a young age that reach a scale of schoolastic and then professional level basketball and football
        show them to me

        Ever heard of Rugby, mostly 210-275lbs 6ft-6"10ft, played in schools, watched by millions.

        So if it wasn't for football (soccer) Europeans would dominate everything from lightweight-cruiser?

        Thats the argument you are making.

        Rugby, Football, Cricket, Track & Field, Hockey, Tennis all played and taught in schools. Not boxing.


        • #84
          Originally posted by D4thincarnation View Post
          And what makes you think almost every other countries is better. Infact it is worse in other countries.

          This theory that America is hard done by because athletes go into other sports is bogus, because, it is the same for every other country, and for most of those countries boxing takes more of a backseat than in America.
          You're just trolling.

          This is ******ed. The evidence is on its face, with our best current HW prospect being an ex-football player.

          'Oh the same thing goes on in other countries'... no d.weed it's not registering.

          Boxing was the fabric and number 1 sport in this country at one point, how many of those other countries could you say that for? It didn't go away because 'we lost interest' like it was some trend. Two arguably better sports rose to prominence. You're looking at it from some competitive standpoint, I'm talking about the amount of people who even took it up wanting to make boxing a profession then. Nobody is making the argument some fit non-baller can come through a gym and not be successful and making an excuse against this.

          I'm sure they are out there.. but even they are not taking up boxing lol, evidenced by our out of shapers and fatasses at the top of HW. I can't believe you idiots want to make the argument at HW that's the best we have to offer when these mofos are undersized and some should be cruisers and not heavies and we got all these big ass motherfuckers playing basketball and football that have the athleticism of Tyson and Ali combined. I mean, you literally have to ignore that shit, to make this ****** stance you guys do. And you know what the dudes who can't ball go into for their taste of money and glamour here? Rap star - even if it is wishful thinking. The monetary incentive in that also looks better than boxing.

          Two professional sports leagues reach prominence in the last two decades here and the quality in HW's start their decline in that time frame and that's just a coincidence? Heelll no.

          The argument stands even if you don't want to agree with it. Our next potential great heavyweights play other sports.

          And guess what? Your Euros probably do too, if you insist those countries have experienced the same siphoning of athlete. Save 3 f-ng fighters, HW is devoid of talent period in the end.


          • #85
            This is like that classic primary school argument "My dad can beat up your dad!"


            • #86
              Ok, now it's just getting over the top. Saying that athletes that combine the best of both Ali and Tyson are being pulled from boxing is utterly absurd. If you took the top 1000 best athletes that football has produced, very, very, very few would make good or great boxers.

              No matter what anyone says, it is not athletics that make the greatest fighters. We are not talking about athletes here. We are talking about fighters. ****ing period. You need to have a different mental make up than most typical athletes have to be a great boxer. It is why throughout the history of the sport, the greatest have nearly always come from horrid poverty and anguish. It creates what is necessary to be a great fighter, and has, every single time shown to be better than mere athletics.

              It is why time and time and time and time again, you see a lesser athlete with more heart, grit, anger and determination beat the better athlete.

              Yes, there might be some possibly great fighters that have gone to football and other sports, but to say the US would dominate boxing because there are guys who would combine the best of Ali and Tyson into the superman of boxing is just nationalistic ego-mania at its finest. It's not because other sports came up that boxing died. It's because boxing doesn't take care of its own, its corruption, greed and the lack of care for anyone other than the very, very best.

              The indestructible, lightning quick, bone breaking power puncher with combinations faster than the speed of light, with the unbreakable chin, will, heart and stamina to go 40000000 rounds of non stop pure punching, defensive genius ....

              Ali had something so much more than speed, and athleticism. How many times would he have been knocked out without his scary iron will, chin, heart etc? That has **** all to do with great athleticism. It has to do with being a pure born fighter.

              You need specific aptitude for any sport. Just being big, fast, strong, whatever doesn't equal aptitude for boxing.


              • #87
                Originally posted by BennyST View Post
                Ok, now it's just getting over the top. Saying that athletes that combine the best of both Ali and Tyson are being pulled from boxing is utterly absurd. If you took the top 1000 best athletes that football has produced, very, very, very few would make good or great boxers.
                Speculation. I love how you say that as fact.

                And no it's not absurd. One of our HW bright spots is an ex-football player with just a few years experience.

                The last superman of the sport Jones Jr. was also a great physical specimen. He had so much speed he could ignore boxing fundamentals. habits that shouldn't have allowed him to stay undefeated for so long if he weren't blessed with the quickness.


                • #88
                  Originally posted by BennyST View Post
                  Ok, now it's just getting over the top. Saying that athletes that combine the best of both Ali and Tyson are being pulled from boxing is utterly absurd. If you took the top 1000 best athletes that football has produced, very, very, very few would make good or great boxers.

                  No matter what anyone says, it is not athletics that make the greatest fighters. We are not talking about athletes here. We are talking about fighters. ****ing period. You need to have a different mental make up than most typical athletes have to be a great boxer. It is why throughout the history of the sport, the greatest have nearly always come from horrid poverty and anguish. It creates what is necessary to be a great fighter, and has, every single time shown to be better than mere athletics.

                  It is why time and time and time and time again, you see a lesser athlete with more heart, grit, anger and determination beat the better athlete.

                  Yes, there might be some possibly great fighters that have gone to football and other sports, but to say the US would dominate boxing because there are guys who would combine the best of Ali and Tyson into the superman of boxing is just nationalistic ego-mania at its finest. It's not because other sports came up that boxing died. It's because boxing doesn't take care of its own, its corruption, greed and the lack of care for anyone other than the very, very best.

                  The indestructible, lightning quick, bone breaking power puncher with combinations faster than the speed of light, with the unbreakable chin, will, heart and stamina to go 40000000 rounds of non stop pure punching, defensive genius ....

                  Ali had something so much more than speed, and athleticism. How many times would he have been knocked out without his scary iron will, chin, heart etc? That has **** all to do with great athleticism. It has to do with being a pure born fighter.

                  You need specific aptitude for any sport. Just being big, fast, strong, whatever doesn't equal aptitude for boxing.
                  yes it does, dude
                  yes it does.

                  talent is talent. it's what you bring to the sport. you are better off with it than without it.

                  do i really have to tell you this?
                  have you guys ever even hit anything?

                  obviously not everybody is going to be a "brutal born killer" or whatever the hell else you are talking about

                  you can have a bunch of fat fuccks like arreola or chambers

                  or a bunch of dwight howards? (for the record, dwight howard has over half of a foot in height and reach on the klitschko brothers. and many lbs.)

                  some "natural born killers" can be found in both groups

                  do you want the fat ****s with zero talent?
                  or the world class athletes?
                  which do you think will make better boxers?
                  will not having the premium athletes entering boxing help or hurt it?

                  i hate to be a ****, but you are usually a good poster and it's frustrating how silly you guys sound

                  talent is ****ing talent
                  there is not a "Special breed of boxer" born in the primordial ooze

                  most great athletes in the states today dont grow up with silver spoons in their mouths
                  these are the exact types of guys (brutally competative, talented, huge,) you want entering a boxing gym if you want to produce great HW.
                  nobody is saying they will all be great champions
                  we are saying that on pure talent alone they would overhaul the division if they all turned to boxing as youths

                  you guys can talk all you want
                  you are wrong
                  Last edited by New England; 01-25-2012, 06:08 PM.


                  • #89
                    Originally posted by BennyST View Post
                    This is like that classic primary school argument "My dad can beat up your dad!"

                    no it's not

                    it's also supposition held by virtually every great boxing mind in america with any degree of familiarity with the NFL and NBA

                    watch the games for a year
                    take a look a the guys
                    a good sturdy look

                    and then take a good look at chambers

                    and tell me those guys are the type you want entering the gym as kids instead of the guys in the major american leagues


                    • #90
                      To hand wave away the argument that American heavyweights are in short supply almost entirely due to the prosperity of sports such as Basketball and American Football is essentially plugging your ears and repeating "nah nah nah, eastern euros are best boxers, I can't hear you."

                      Conversely, to imply that the offensive line for the Dallas Cowboys is composed of 5 guys possessing Ali's speed, Foreman's power, and Tyson's aggression is equally absurd. However, I think women's soccer in the USA is a good example of how American talent is diverted from sports such as boxing, soccer and even baseball. The women's Team USA soccer team is perpetually a top 3 ranked team as the focus on soccer for girls is emphasized quite a bit more heavily at the high school and collegiate level when compared to men's sports.

                      By age 12 in the United States virtually all the boys who had played soccer up until that point are almost universally diverted into any of the four other major sports with young AAs being almost entirely diverted to basketball and football (the disappearance of the African-American baseball player is another huge topic with the Carribean/Central American dominance of baseball that is a situation not entirely dissimilar to the situation with American boxers).

                      Would all good football lineman/linebackers make dominant heavyweights? Of course not, but speculation sure could be fun. Would the 6'5" wide receivers or 6'8" small forwards make dominant ball-winning midfielders or poachers? No way, but I'll be damned if it wouldn't be an interesting sight to see. Imagine Team USA trotting out a starting eleven that averaged 6'4" 220 lbs and 4.5 40 yard dash times. Brazil who?

