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Must Be Because All The Best Prospects Are in the NFL and NBA!

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  • #91
    Ok, first.. some of you clearly think that was hyperbole.. but it was a general statement not blanketed onto each and every player.

    Yall watch track right?

    Seen track relay teams before?

    Think of the kind of body a track meeter usually has.

    Now, I'm not making this up.. the NFL produces the kind of monsters the size of Ali and the girth of HW Toney that ran ANCHOR LEG on their college relay teams. That means you're the fastest one. Think a 6'4+ and well north of 250lb man moving that fast.

    On its face... if you stuck a man like that in ring after a few years of boxing training, his opponents are going to have issues. In my last post where I mentioned it, you would have to pray there was something wrong with the guy standing across from you with athleticism like that. He better be chinless, powerless, or something, because I'd put money on him to whoop whatever long studied HW contender of the current crop in the opposing corner.


    • #92
      Originally posted by BennyST View Post
      Ok, now it's just getting over the top. Saying that athletes that combine the best of both Ali and Tyson are being pulled from boxing is utterly absurd. If you took the top 1000 best athletes that football has produced, very, very, very few would make good or great boxers.

      No matter what anyone says, it is not athletics that make the greatest fighters. We are not talking about athletes here. We are talking about fighters. ****ing period. You need to have a different mental make up than most typical athletes have to be a great boxer. It is why throughout the history of the sport, the greatest have nearly always come from horrid poverty and anguish. It creates what is necessary to be a great fighter, and has, every single time shown to be better than mere athletics.

      It is why time and time and time and time again, you see a lesser athlete with more heart, grit, anger and determination beat the better athlete.

      Yes, there might be some possibly great fighters that have gone to football and other sports, but to say the US would dominate boxing because there are guys who would combine the best of Ali and Tyson into the superman of boxing is just nationalistic ego-mania at its finest. It's not because other sports came up that boxing died. It's because boxing doesn't take care of its own, its corruption, greed and the lack of care for anyone other than the very, very best.

      The indestructible, lightning quick, bone breaking power puncher with combinations faster than the speed of light, with the unbreakable chin, will, heart and stamina to go 40000000 rounds of non stop pure punching, defensive genius ....

      Ali had something so much more than speed, and athleticism. How many times would he have been knocked out without his scary iron will, chin, heart etc? That has **** all to do with great athleticism. It has to do with being a pure born fighter.

      You need specific aptitude for any sport. Just being big, fast, strong, whatever doesn't equal aptitude for boxing.
      Lights out all you nationalist muthafluffers. You've just been KOed.


      • #93
        Originally posted by LeoReyes View Post
        Imagine Team USA trotting out a starting eleven that averaged 6'4" 220 lbs and 4.5 40 yard dash times. Brazil who?
        90 minutes, 45 each way, no time outs, no oxygen masks. Plenty of green grass to puke your guts onto, however.


        • #94
          Originally posted by New England View Post
          you guys can talk all you want
          you are wrong
          In other words, la la la, I can't hear you?


          • #95
            Originally posted by Haglerwins View Post
            Ok, first.. some of you clearly think that was hyperbole.. but it was a general statement not blanketed onto each and every player.

            Yall watch track right?

            Seen track relay teams before?

            Think of the kind of body a track meeter usually has.

            Now, I'm not making this up.. the NFL produces the kind of monsters the size of Ali and the girth of HW Toney that ran ANCHOR LEG on their college relay teams. That means you're the fastest one. Think a 6'4+ and well north of 250lb man moving that fast.

            On its face... if you stuck a man like that in ring after a few years of boxing training, his opponents are going to have issues. In my last post where I mentioned it, you would have to pray there was something wrong with the guy standing across from you with athleticism like that. He better be chinless, powerless, or something, because I'd put money on him to whoop whatever long studied HW contender of the current crop in the opposing corner.
            So by my estimation, they'd have one or two good rounds before gassing.

            Give me endurance any day.


            • #96
              Seth Mitchell being the most promising American heavyweight pretty much proves the point.

              And stop bringing up soccer. Those guys fall down and start writhing on the floor if you breathe on them. They don't have the toughness to be boxers.

              NFLers on the other hand do.


              • #97
                Originally posted by ShoulderRoll View Post
                Seth Mitchell being the most promising American heavyweight pretty much proves the point.

                And stop bringing up soccer. Those guys fall down and start writhing on the floor if you breathe on them. They don't have the toughness to be boxers.

                NFLers on the other hand do.
                Are you even aware of what you're arguing about?


                • #98
                  "yeah, kobe bryant and micahel vick would've been hw world champions if they took boxing" ....

                  pretty ****ing ****** aint it? stop the BULL**** and give props to the klitscho bros......

                  US sucks at hw because , right now we one is that happens!


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by SWEETSCIENCE100 View Post
                    Is this who your calling a man? LOL, any man who doesnt find this Amazon ***y as hell, is either gay or has a little wee-wee, and is afraid of a strong woman! Not an once of fat, some of the best cookie in the world!

                    ***** looks like Dennis Rodman lay off the pipe!


                    • The Klitschko's have brought professionalism into the sport as well as serious KO percentages and they are never out of shape, hence why they have gone on so long and peaked so late. When they are gone they will be missed. I hope we never go back to American blobs fighting for titles.

