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The Klits are only the best HWs in the world cause Americans don't give a **** nemore

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Pirao View Post

    Mayweather, Ward, Dawson and company are lucky europeans go into football instead of boxing too, right?
    Floyd, Ward and Dawson are all too small to make an NFL or NBA roster. No school would want them.

    American Universities invest millions in finding the biggest strongest athletes around. Any 6'02+ 200+ guy with a shred of athletic ability will get siphoned off to basketball or football.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Joeyzagz View Post
      Floyd, Ward and Dawson are all too small to make an NFL or NBA roster. No school would want them.

      American Universities invest millions in finding the biggest strongest athletes around. Any 6'02+ 200+ guy with a shred of athletic ability will get siphoned off to basketball or football.
      Well done completely missing the point dumbass


      • #63
        Lionel Messi would be the best Welterweight in the world with his amazing footwork


        • #64
          wlad has beaten african american guys roughly his same size...

          this thread is ******


          • #65
            Originally posted by Pancakes View Post
            And this has exactly WHAT to do with PROFESSIONAL BOXING?

            The percentage of olympic medalists that have gone on to win world titles, have fallen off immensely since the rule changes in amateur/olympic boxing post 70's. Olympic/Amatuer boxing & pro boxing have become 2 seperate sports.

            How about you name me a country that has more LINEAL DIVISIONAL TITLE HOLDERS than the U.S.? Or has more P4P RANKED FIGHTERS than the U.S.?

            You can't can you?

            The U.S. is still the most dominant force in a sport that the general public no longer gives less than a shit about.

            That just goes to show you how pathethic the rest of the world is, where they can't even beat us in a sport we don't even care about anymore.
            At first i thought you were joking but now i kind of fell the urge to reply seeing how incredibly ****** and ignorant your post was..

            So, what sports do Americans not care about?
            Skiing? Or lets say the general winter olympics?

            Because the last time I checked the winter olympics medal statistics was DOMINATED by a small country that you ****** americans probably never even heard of called Norway. with a population of only 4.5 million. Hmm.. how embarassing, being dominated in dusins of different sport by a country with less than 5 million people while the big great United States have 310 million.

            My point is, Americans and the USA are FAR from as great as you think it is. And it is far from the best country to live in. And if you care to argue about that we can take it to the lounge.


            • #66
              United States came in second in both the 2008 olympics and 2010 olympics

              we had the most overall metals in the 2008 olympics with a whopping 110

              Norway on the other hand had a total of 9 medals in the 2008 olympics

              while Norway got 4th in the winter olympics

              Americans dominate all other countries in the world in sports

              deal with it, losers


              • #67
                Also dominating in firearm deaths and obesity rates.

                Deal with it.


                • #68
                  It would be better for boxing if there were still some top US heavyweights around, but regardless of that the Klitschkos could/would have been champions in any era.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Pirao View Post
                    Well done completely missing the point dumbass
                    No problem, sweetheart.

                    I filter your bullsh.t without the cowardly ignore feature.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Pancakes View Post
                      Is it "speculative nonsense" when Vitali wins all of these fantasy fights against all-time great Heavyweights in the E-boxing world, but has won NONE in the actual real world?

                      When you have a country with a 100 year history of producing ATG highly skilled, and athletically gifted Heavyweights, be at a place in time when the sport is at a ALL-TIME LOW as far as popularity and prominance in American athletics and has been in sharp, steady decline for the past 15 years, while the Football & Basketball are at a ALL TIME HIGH in popularity & prominance and is over flowing with elite Heavyweight sized athletes... of course it's just a coincidence and "speculative nonsense".

                      Eddie Chambers & Chris "tittybawls" Areola are America's elite, most primely athletically gifted & talented Heavyweight sized athletes.

                      Get real buddy.

                      Oh gee, i don't know.

                      Maybe because of the fact that the Klitschko's athleticism & conditioning is mainly what sets them apart from the rest of the division?
                      no; their athletic talent COUPLED with their mastering of the sweet science is what sets them apart. . . athletics alone means shyt. . . and boxing skill WITHOUT athletic talent only gets you so far. . . klitschko's have BOTH. . . and that, good sir, is what sets them apart. . .

