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Is Bob Arum the true reason why Floyd and Pacman haven't fought?

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  • #11
    Originally posted by ModernTalking View Post
    There must be some really ******ed people in here LOL. Why would Floyd care about Arum if he's going to make some $$$. Floyd could give a **** who is behind it, all he need to know is how much he will get pay. I can hate you as much as I want too but if I stand to make a certain $$$ from fighting one of your fighter, M****er just set the fight up. The truth is that Floyd don't want none of PAC and the world knows it. You don't just have people left and right calling Floyd a coward.
    You f-cked the thread up already!


    • #12

      Pacquiao being a juicehead is the reason why.


      • #13
        Floyd stans will say so.

        Then, they'll also say that Arum is the reason for Floyd not fighting Cotto and Margarito.

        Whats funny is that, he and his fans all say how easy these fights would be for Floyd.

        So why not kill two birds with one stone and make money from a guy he hates and beating his boxers at the same time?


        • #14
          Originally posted by True Class View Post
          Floyd stans will say so.

          Then, they'll also say that Arum is the reason for Floyd not fighting Cotto and Margarito.

          Whats funny is that, he and his fans all say how easy these fights would be for Floyd.

          So why not kill two birds with one stone and make money from a guy he hates and beating his boxers at the same time?
          Don’t forget Floyd himself as well as his ****-riders think Manny’s amateurish, one dimensional, easy money and to top it off a midget fighter. Then, why in the hell they’re asking for OSDT?


          • #15
            i thought arum owed some money also? tell me if you hate someone do you wanna be doing business with him? i think not.
            and mosley beat marg anyway... and floyd schooled mosley after.
            cottoo not sure floyd actually ducked him.


            • #16
              For me it's Arum.

              And both Floyd and Team Pac are dumbazzes to be at fault too.


              • #17
                i don't even like arum. i call him scum arum.

                since every freaking person on planet earth want to see the fight, you do it for that reason alone; for the love of the sport that made you famous, for the love of the fans, or for simply challenging yourself considering you always claim to be the best.

                arum is just a promoter. even god can't stop you from fighting a boxer everyone wants you to fight, if you really want to.

                and why am i talking as if i'm talking to kids?


                • #18
                  Its always been Arum to me.
                  I dont think Floyd just happens to only duck top rank fighters.
                  And I never believed pac was on PEDs

                  Arums done a good job as painting floyd as a duck and coward and the only one whos paying for it is pac who then gets called a cheat and coward in retaliation.


                  • #19
                    Originally posted by pacfan View Post
                    i don't even like arum. i call him scum arum.

                    since every freaking person on planet earth want to see the fight, you do it for that reason alone; for the love of the sport that made you famous, for the love of the fans, or for simply challenging yourself considering you always claim to be the best.

                    arum is just a promoter. even god can't stop you from fighting a boxer everyone wants you to fight, if you really want to.

                    and why am i talking as if i'm talking to kids?

                    Arum is just a promoter?
                    Not only did you just downplay the power bob arum has over his stable, but you threw God under the bus.



                    • #20
                      arum is definitely a big reason why the fight hasnt happened. its funny t6 hear pac fans defend him after the way he screws their idol. but i guess they are completely like pac in that regards. they cant see whats rite in front of them, no matter how many times they are told.

