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Hopkins being racist again on espn last friday

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  • he's black nobody thinks of him seriously. that's the pass they get but no one gives a fawk.


    • Originally posted by deuce_drop View Post
      uneducated in what regards??? because, i'm willing to bet, that he knows a lot more about life and things than you and most people......

      i'm willing to bet that his experiences in life have educated him more than any school ever has and will......

      see, hopkins has learned in the school of hard knocks, he's lived in a different world than most people living in the western world today.

      he doesn't get the majority of his knowledge from text books or going to school, learning about theory, hopkins has been living his education, which has provided better for him than a formal education would've seeing where he's come from, had to deal with, and his still dealing with.

      there are many facets to life, and hopkins as all of us, are living in one or two of those facets, and the more you get to experience the world, the more you realize whats up, and the more you don't, like most, you only think in certain terms....

      and as i am sure hopkins has traveled the globe and seen a lot of stuff, im willing to bet that he hasn't done so when he was being developed into who he is as a man today........

      education is to draw knowledge out from within, the root word of education is EDUCU or EDUCATUS, which means to draw out...........

      education is something that YOU learn and bring to the surface. seems like most think teaching or being taught is an education, being taught their way by the schooling system.......... that is called indoctrination......!/THEREALBHOP/s...80735760302080


      • Originally posted by fordhamboxing View Post
        As I recall it he was discussing how being poor/growing up rough in the city gave him a DNA superior to suburban kids, am I right or wrong?
        lol you don't acquire DNA while growing's with you by the time you were born. growing up in the hood or in a mansion will not make your DNA better or worse.


        • yeah, ever have your auto correct on your phone do what ever the hell it wants???

          that kind of crap happens all the time, i can find tweet after tweet by lots of people who have auto correct problems or text messages......

          TRY AGAIN


          • Originally posted by ИATAS206 View Post
            the only thing hopkins says about bird is that he's one of the greatest players to ever play basketball but because of the fact he's white he stood out even more. He quoted isiah thomas when he said something like "if bird was black he'd be just another ball player." Which is kinda true, it's not normal in the NBA to have such an awesome white basketball player in a sport dominated by blacks so it does stand out more.
            Thomas and Dennis Rodman said that about Bird right after the Pistons lost a playoff game to the Celtics. Rodman admitted later in one of his books that the remark about Bird was total crap, and not true at all. Larry Bird, who by the way grew up poor, was a great basketball player and would not have been "just another ballplayer" no matter what race/color he was.


            • The one thing that stood out in that interview was bhop said something like "bird could only jump 3 inches off the ground", trying to make it sound like because bird didn't dunk he was an inferior ball player.


              • LOL I love how people are against Racism when Hopkins say something RACIAL but when people post racist stuff on this Forum (which happens a lot) I don't see none of these people posting and speaking against "RACISM"

                ALL OF YOU ARE FULL OF **** TO BE HONEST!

                I have more respect for Hopkins for being honest and upfront about who he is compared to some FAKE LOSERS ON a Forum who participates in a lot of the Racist Crap that goes on all the time on this Forum (some of them have ALTERNATIVE PROFILES that they long in on to POST THEIR IGNORANCE)

                It is nothing worse this a ***in CLOSET RACIST, a Guy who is a CEO during the day and a KKK Member at Night hahaha

                Bottom Line if your against Racism...BE AGAINST IT ALL TIME, not only when YOUR PEOPLE ARE INVOLVED and that goes for Blacks, Whites, Latinos, Asians...WHO EVER!


                • Originally posted by brick wall View Post
                  lol you don't acquire DNA while growing's with you by the time you were born. growing up in the hood or in a mansion will not make your DNA better or worse.
                  no disrespect but I'm not a ****ing idiot

                  Go read my post on page 9


                  • Originally posted by studentofthegam View Post
                    No you dont. We've had this convo before so I'm not guessing.
                    We did, and you looked like a complete moron.


                    • Originally posted by deuce_drop View Post
                      yeah, ever have your auto correct on your phone do what ever the hell it wants???

                      that kind of crap happens all the time, i can find tweet after tweet by lots of people who have auto correct problems or text messages......


                      TRY AGAIN
                      That is cute, you sticking up for Bernard.

                      He meant to say that the way it was.

                      Bernard got picked up on this and when he was made to look dumb he resorted to "I will fight you".

                      Resorting to violence, real clever Bernard.

