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Do David Haye and Adam Booth believe UK boxing fans are ******?

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  • #71
    Originally posted by Mr. Blobby View Post
    That's BS here's what Haye said on Twitter.

    @AntonioTarver Thanks for offer. I've a Mandatory to K.O.(May-June) before I'm free for any Unification/Voluntary. Keep doin ya thang! ;-)
    How is that BS? Haye didn't say "I CAN'T FIGHT YOU TARVER", or " I WOULDN'T FIGHT YOU TARVER" he couldn't RIGHT NOW because of his mandatory.


    • #72
      Originally posted by GRANDSLAM View Post
      First of all no-one thinks there's a ****** invasion or ever has done, typical of some of the douches on here who instantly start with race/religion/nationality bull****, it's boxing you n0nce.

      Nobody I knew thought Audley had a chance with Haye. I called it in April 2010 that Haye would stop him in 3 rounds. The reason people bought into that fight is because Audley was a household name, he was an Olympic Gold Medallist and had boxed on terrestrial TV and the pr!ck could talk the talk. Did I watch it? **** yeah, I wanted to Audley get knocked out and that's what I got.

      Its like prior to every Klitschko fight when one of the Klit robots says "(insert bums name here) is a good fighter, I'm not gonna take him lightly etc etc" but everyone with a brain knows that the Klitschkos are having the modern day version of Joe Louis' 'Bum of the Month club' all except Klitoids like Wladisthechamp, Freedom, Pirao, Hitman etc etc (probably the same nerd with alts) who think their heroes are fighting live bodies.

      If them bums think that taking short money and signing slave deals is a good idea then more fool them

      None of us are privy to the negotiations so none of us REALLY know whats going on. Even the people with 500,000 posts strictly about HW Boxing don't know ****. You believe what you choose to believe, because all these boxing people are full of it.

      In my mind when Wlad made the Chisora fight for 30th April he was saying "you take care of it Vitali, I don't want it". But if Haye retires in October without fighting at least Klitschkos Mum then he's a ****.

      But Haye stops Wlad in 6 rounds, not that the fight will happen.

      Red K me, make yourself feel like a big man lol.
      Well you got your wish, red k.

      Cause of idiots like you, Vagina can make a comfortable living knocking out the Fraudleys of the world while promising you all the Klitschkos. So far he hasn't shown that he can do anything at HW that hasn't been done by far lesser fighters. What, you think he can KO Wlad in 6 because he beat Barrett (Wlad beat him 10 years earlier in a much more dominant fashion), crippled Valuev (by a MD which Chagaev already did and probably Holyfield), old Ruiz (who was tagging Hayefaker at will with the jab), and Fraudley?

      You don't know boxing PERIOD. The average age of those opponents was 38, on average they were almost a decade older than Hayefaker. Vagina hasn't beaten one single credible opponent at HW in a dominant fashion, and you think he KOs Wlad in 6? You are an idiot. No wonder you paid to see the Fraudley fight. But Hayefaker is smarter than his fans, he knows he can't beat the Klitschkos or even a young top-10, hence his retirement at 31 without ONE meaningful fight.


      • #73
        Originally posted by Freedom! View Post
        I do it for the same reason people watch sitcoms: to have a good laugh.

        To be honest, I find the replies of you, Mr. Blobby, flat1985 and the others amusing.

        It makes me laugh when I see what fools you are for David Haye.
        for a laugh?,lol your getting laughed at!,lol,and its not funny that you are so super sad and obsessive with Haye.

        even i as a fan do not bother posting on him as much,or even posting agiasnt klitschkos as much.

        i have shown clear balance in praise and crtisism of haye before,and even respect klitschkos for them atleat being athletes.

        but im not a sad little loser like you who waste time showing how sad and ****** he is.


        • #74
          Originally posted by Freedom! View Post
          I do it for the same reason people watch sitcoms: to have a good laugh.

          To be honest, I find the replies of you, Mr. Blobby, flat1985 and the others amusing.

          It makes me laugh when I see what fools you are for David Haye.
          I find it amusing how ridiculously you and your fellow bum chums overrate Wlad, like he is a boxing god. You overrate his wins and opponents, I feel a little sorry for you and him, because he has literally never been in with a world class heavyweight yet you big him to be some kind of atg. B level guys in the 90's would beat wlad, guys like Frank Bruno and Razor Ruddock would have beaten him. Tyson, holyfield, moorer, bowe, lewis would have eaten him for breakfast.

          You have to be able to take a shot as well as give it to be considered a great fighter, the only thing he does is give it because the current crop are so bad that none of them can even hit him, and when they do he wobbles. David Haye is too fast for him not to hit wlad at least a couple of times a round flush, and to be honest when he does wlad will go over, his best chance is to land first and he isn't aggressive enough.


          • #75
            Originally posted by WladIsTheChamp View Post
            Well you got your wish, red k.

            Cause of idiots like you, Vagina can make a comfortable living knocking out the Fraudleys of the world while promising you all the Klitschkos. So far he hasn't shown that he can do anything at HW that hasn't been done by far lesser fighters. What, you think he can KO Wlad in 6 because he beat Barrett (Wlad beat him 10 years earlier in a much more dominant fashion), crippled Valuev (by a MD which Chagaev already did and probably Holyfield), old Ruiz (who was tagging Hayefaker at will with the jab), and Fraudley?

            You don't know boxing PERIOD. The average age of those opponents was 38, on average they were almost a decade older than Hayefaker. Vagina hasn't beaten one single credible opponent at HW in a dominant fashion, and you think he KOs Wlad in 6? You are an idiot. No wonder you paid to see the Fraudley fight. But Hayefaker is smarter than his fans, he knows he can't beat the Klitschkos or even a young top-10, hence his retirement at 31 without ONE meaningful fight.
            your such a simpelton.

            age alone does not make someone specifickly good or bad.

            bhop is old,but hes whooping youngsters!.

            tyson was young,but he was knocking everybody out in exciting fashion!.

            you do know klitschko arent spring chickens themselves?,does them being old make them bad????.


            • #76
              I feel for the people who wasted their money on the harrison fight. Bad for boxing.


              • #77
                Originally posted by Boxing Scene View Post
                How is that BS? Haye didn't say "I CAN'T FIGHT YOU TARVER", or " I WOULDN'T FIGHT YOU TARVER" he couldn't RIGHT NOW because of his mandatory.
                You said he was implying that he would fight him after his mandatory, how do you come to that conclusion from what he said on Twitter? He didn't say he would fight him did he?


                • #78
                  Originally posted by sunny31 View Post
                  I find it amusing how ridiculously you and your fellow bum chums overrate Wlad, like he is a boxing god. You overrate his wins and opponents, I feel a little sorry for you and him, because he has literally never been in with a world class heavyweight yet you big him to be some kind of atg. B level guys in the 90's would beat wlad, guys like Frank Bruno and Razor Ruddock would have beaten him. Tyson, holyfield, moorer, bowe, lewis would have eaten him for breakfast.

                  You have to be able to take a shot as well as give it to be considered a great fighter, the only thing he does is give it because the current crop are so bad that none of them can even hit him, and when they do he wobbles. David Haye is too fast for him not to hit wlad at least a couple of times a round flush, and to be honest when he does wlad will go over, his best chance is to land first and he isn't aggressive enough.
                  great post.

                  tyson might not have fough the best all the time,but he beat them in the way people expected him to and was entetaining.

                  i expect the klitschkos to have some guts in way of going for knockouts and being entertaining when they fight poor opposition that have no chance of defeating either brother.

                  so not only are they in a poor division,and never able to fight top level opposition,they cant even beat poor oppoisition in the way you expect true champions to do so.

                  to over rate klitschkos and under rate haye and his career is a very silly thing to do,especially if they do actually fight and haye does win!.

                  you should be building up k bros opponents for when they possible fight and win!.

                  i bet all opponents pre fight to klitschkos are really good,but if haye fought them they are awful.


                  • #79
                    Originally posted by WladIsTheChamp View Post
                    First of all a tune-up can be to shake the rust off with any opponent, especially coming off an injury, I don't know why you think Wlad has to pick a fighter the SAME EXACT size (who ****** are you?). And what the hell do the sizes of Chisora and Adamek have to do with the fact that Wlad wants to stay busy and also fulfill his obligation to fight Chisora?

                    Hayefaker can still sign for July 2nd, if he finds his balls, Wlad is waiting but he is also fighting, he isn't ever going to waste precious time in his prime/ or close to his-prime waiting on the Hayefaker. You see real fighters fight, fakers talk. Hayefaker has so far talked for the past 3 years. What promise has the Hayefaker has fulfilled in the past 3 years? Beat both Kltischkos? Nope. Beat Wlad? Nope. Beat Vitaly? Nope. Clean out the HW division? Nope. Fight top 10 fighters? Nope.

                    Hayefaker = vagina.
                    So ducking the question then, what has Haye promises got to do with Wlad. You can't even say who the tune-up is for hence you don't know WTF you are talking about it. You even admit Chisora is the exact same size as Adamak yet somehow can't see that its a tune-up for that fight. Why do you think Adamak is fighting McBride. Real fighters don't fight rookie novices with no wins over a top 20 HW. Real fighters would try unify the division like Bradley instead of avoiding the only fight fans want to see.


                    • #80
                      Originally posted by msagrain View Post
                      I feel for the people who wasted their money on the harrison fight. Bad for boxing.
                      i dont,haye said how it would go down,they didnt believe him.

                      fraudley had such a history of talking **** and fighting like a scared little b*tch,he lied and conned so many times before,but they wanted to believe him!.

                      so more fool them.

                      and more fool sky for conning people,or actually half believing fraudley might have put up some short of effort.

                      him getting up to get stopped was his only effort,and that wasnt good enough.

